Action Request - Amber Powell / [PH]Scrublord

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Andrei Azarov / 1Philip2Philip
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: James Powell / [PH] Itz Joe
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Broke 3.17 by being afk as an officer.
Tick: 14700

Image with the name for proof that its actually amber:
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Amber Powell

well philip as i said, i went to get a drink, thats not much of an exuse but thats the truth, but seriously, i was gone for a minute.
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Well, till now this seems like someone who is trying to make money by being AFK as a cop when there are only a few players on. Although, I wouldn't jump into any conclusions if I were you. If @Amber Powell could provide a reasonable explanation with evidence if available then she obviously won't recieve a punishment. I have been in situations like this where I would make a report saying that I am going AFK as a cop, but sometimes I end up being kicked/demoted by enforcers who have no information about what's happening. For now this will be a obvious +Support, unless he provides a reasonable explaination as said before.
Well, till now this seems like someone who is trying to make money by being AFK as a cop when there are only a few players on. Although, I wouldn't jump into any conclusions if I were you. If @Amber Powell could provide a reasonable explanation with evidence if available then she obviously won't recieve a punishment. I have been in situations like this where I would make a report saying that I am going AFK as a cop, but sometimes I end up being kicked/demoted by enforcers who have no information about what's happening. For now this will be a obvious +Support, unless he provides a reasonable explaination as said before.

Now that he said "He was getting a drink" the rule clearly states that they may not go AFK on a job at any time. It's not really that serious, but he broke the rules nonetheless. This won't result in a ban (depending on your history), it's more like a warning or maybe even a verbal warning if it was delt with in-game. Now that things are cleared up, I still stay with a +Support.

Deleted member 1235

well philip as i said, i went to get a drink, thats not much of an exuse but thats the truth, but seriously, i was gone for a minute.
The video is longer than one minute and you are clearly AFK before he arrives and once the video ends. You were in a place which put your life at risk, as numerous people speed down that tunnel, usually hugging the walls if your name is @Tom Hill. As the server population was so low, there would have been no issue in you leaving police, getting drink and returning to find a job and car still available. The only lee-way there is when AFK on the job is if it was only for 10-15 seconds such as to close a door or window, other than that you should really leave, do as you wish then re-join

Amber Powell

are people actually acusing me of money farming?
[DOUBLEPOST=1456840264,1456840158][/DOUBLEPOST]and another thing, it says dont go afk, but i literally ran downstairs to get the drink, we all have to drink and eat, sorry but i think this is just dumb, i was only cop for about 10 minutes to pay off a ticket i got yesterday jesus, me and Moher Moussy were paroling the whole time, he must of dc'd
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IKEA - Northern Europe
are people actually acusing me of money farming?
[DOUBLEPOST=1456840264,1456840158][/DOUBLEPOST]and another thing, it says dont go afk, but i literally ran downstairs to get the drink, we all have to drink and eat, sorry but i think this is just dumb, i was only cop for about 10 minutes to pay off a ticket i got yesterday jesus, me and Moher Moussy were paroling the whole time, he must of dc'd
If you need to go for a piss or such things you can go AFK at the toilets for like one minute.
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are people actually acusing me of money farming?
[DOUBLEPOST=1456840264,1456840158][/DOUBLEPOST]and another thing, it says dont go afk, but i literally ran downstairs to get the drink, we all have to drink and eat, sorry but i think this is just dumb, i was only cop for about 10 minutes to pay off a ticket i got yesterday jesus, me and Moher Moussy were paroling the whole time, he must of dc'd
it would have been more realistic if you afked in the car and not in the middle of the road where you can get run over due to the people with all the fast cars and shit
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From my point of view, Amber went afk in the vehicle with his partner Moher Moussy to go take care of his/her needs, there is absolutely nothing wrong about this. The only odd thing here is that Moher may have disconnected, but until solid evidence is provided in your defense you are going to receive a punishment of some sort if you fail to provide said evidence.
Preferably a demo(s).
I'm going to assume @moher4 ghost is Moher Moussy. If not, correct me.
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Amber, could you please tell us, where about in the rule 3.17 does it say that you are allowed to go AFK on the job for 1 minute to get a drink? It clearly doesn't and no matter how long you go afk, even for 1 minute it is still breaking 3.17, and here is a clear violation of it. So I am going to be Supporting this action request as it does show a clear violation of the rules. You should think before you go afk, especially when you're in the middle of the road jwalking. Even if your partner did disconnect, you still went afk, it doesn't matter where.
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in her grave
I know that this is probably going to get a lot of dumb ratings, but look at it from his perspective;
He was driving around with his partner, when he realised that he's thirsty. Not expecting his partner to disconnect, he goes AFK to quickly nip down to the kitchen and get a drink, which everybody's done at least once while they're a government employee. He was not gone for long, but was unfortunate to get caught because his friend DC'ed.
We need to keep in mind that everyone is a human, and have the same needs as everyone else. This means (In my opinion) that real life comes first. If my parents want me off the PC, I will come off the PC. If I need a drink, I will get a drink. It's obviously a lot more important than a game, isn't it? When you think about it, a game doesn't really matter that much. It's just something you go to when you're bored.
And anyway, why should anyone really care enough about some guy going AFK to make an AR? It's not like tons of people are doing it all the time, is it? If you find somebody AFK and you don't like it, just tell an admin via the /report system or through Steam, don't bring it to the public asking for a bunch of people to +support it, because that can completely ruin people's reputation and make them stop playing on the server.
I'm not going to +Support or -Support this, I just want people to see it from his perspective, and show how pathetic this really is.

Amber Powell

Phillip you may wanna edit this, my new IG name is James Powell and my OOC name is [PH] Itz Joe.
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IKEA - Northern Europe
@Amber Powell i never stated that it was okay to go AFK for a minute inside your car, if you need to go for a piss then make sure to roleplay it by going to the PD toilets and make a report saying you go AFK. Stop twisting my words
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Parts Unknown
You need to prove how long you went AFK, we need to know if you are lying, seen as you have 6 bans, I'm willing to bet it was more than one minute.
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Alright, I have been observing this "Action Request" for a while and I am getting enough with people's opinion. People, let us start by listing rule 3.17 that articulates the following:

  • 3.17 AFK on the Job- Players are not allowed to go AFK for any period of time while performing a Job, players should quit their job before going AFK or use /report to have an Admin demote them.
That's what people have been defending, because ... it is a rule, right? Well, let us consider that not everything is "black & white" and not everything works as the rule says, there is a disparity between virtual life and real life, and that disparity is the fact that real life is more important than the virtual life; however, some pretend to act like AI's or impartial individuals that refuse to accept any kind of violation that goes against the regulation, regardless of how important real life is. As an example, check the following:

  • Let's imagine that an individual is playing as an ordinary police officer, roleplaying correctly, according to the rules established by Perpheads' community staff team. Now, let's imagine that out of the blue that individual is under an incursion (another individual has decided to rob that someone's house) and he has to go Away From Keyboard. So ... considering rule 3.17, Perpheads Community would punish the individual because he had to deal with a critical life situation and because no situation, regardless of how important it is, has more priority than rule 3.17. Yes, you believe that's stupid (if you don't, then you are not a human, for sure), and let me even articulate one more thing; I bet that Perpheads' Staff Team would dare to ask the individual (player) to hand an evidence of the raid, because they do not believe them, which is even more ridiculous.
I believe rule 3.17 was recklessly made, why? Because it was made thinking and pretending that our life is called: "Virtual Life" which is not, maybe instead of saying: "Let's kick or warn players who are AFK during their job" why can't we say: "Let's allow players to take actions towards any AFK player (except within the spawn radial or NLR location)"; but no ... no one's smart enough to think about this, and they just want to defend the current rule. Ask a question to yourselves ... "What if it was me?", of course that staff members are excluded from this, considering that they can no-clip and reach PD in less than five seconds.

Rate dumb, do whatever you want; truth has been told.

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United States of America
There are two possible situations in this.

The user directly went AFK and returned without preforming any actions in-game before she went AFK in order to ensure that she didn't break any rules.

Or she made a report to inform a staff member that she was going AFK.

I feel that if she directly went AFK as a Police officer, without providing any information to anyone about this, she should receive a warning for 3.17. I feel that if she made a report to inform a staff member, it would be down to two things. Were there any staff members online at the time? Since it seems that there were not any online, I believe that she should have navigated to the Police Department to resign before going AFK, and then if she would have been interested in re-joining the force, she could have simply re-joined once she returned from being AFK. Something else that I noticed is that she was in an area where there was no direct pedestrian walk way. Was she walking down there to get from one place to another or was she stranded there by being left behind by another officer? I currently am neutral on this situation and feel that a proper choice can and should be made soon.
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