Action Request - Aquaa - Thread Renamed by Administration.

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Reaction score
Under Lewis088's bed
2.9 Thread Titles
Your Steam/In-game Name: Kempotent
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Aquaa
His/Her SteamID: n/a
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, all i did was crow bar his car once, could of just aimed a gun at me but decided to shoot me infront of the pd killing me. It was a joke calm down. Then decided to come back and run me over when i was coming out of city garage
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: n/a
was in the car with aquaa when it happened
It looked like a clear mistake and timing look at the video theres really no way he could of reacted to that also we called 911 for a medic check the logs if you wish. aquaa also said it was an accident in MIC or LOOC I can't really recall
Also for you kempotent In the first clip i don't see why would you crowbar a car in front of the PD I also don't really get the reason you added that clip to this AR unless you're trying to get yourself banned purposefully. I've seen you minge punching AFK people at city hall looks like you need a little perp break lad
Thank you for the reply lawyer, your invoice will appear soon.
First off I'd like to point off how you're directly breaking 3.4 and 2.1 by trying to crowbar and steal a vehicle right in front of the police department with the owner sitting right inside of it, what were you trying to accomplish? You clearly did this to elicit a reaction and you got one, now you're crying?

"It was a joke, calm down" haHAA guys look at meeeee crowbarring a car with the owner inside in front of pd wooo weeee so funny (You are now permitted to laugh)

@Dom_ the second situation was an accident, I was speeding into garage to drop @Moon off and he happened to stroll out from the NPC's booth. I told an officer who arrived and called for a medic almost immediately.

Also violating 2.9 Thread Titles posted by @LEWIS 088 , you're intelligent aren't you.
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He was also recently warned for killing an AFK guy at city hall i just checked now,just like i said he been doing it for a while just minging around probably tryna get him self banned.
Yeah, clearly no intention to be a ROLEPLAYER. Should be perma banned tbh
He was just banned by @Collier for mining. Evidence incriminating him in his own video should be used to extend his ban length.
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