Action Request (Astreal Realm Kid)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Locksmith/Jack Locks
Your Roleplay Name: Jack Locks
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:183399913

Player's Steam Name: Astreal Realm Kid
Player's Roleplay Name: Roger Nolan
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42397248

Why should this player be punished?: During a raid on suburbs house 1(Dolan's property) he completly ignored gunpoint which sadly led to his death,he knew about the raid and did not take measures to pull his weapon even stating something about bobby pins(I asked franklin if they had a bobby pin) When i noticed most of the house was not barricaded i ran towards an open window which was were i saw him Possibly picking up drugs,before disregarding gunpoint and attempting to leave,resulting in me shooting him.(Will look through when i get time)

Evidence Link:

Shows him break 3.4,by ignoring me( I was commanding him to put his hands up in game, due to demo you can't hear that) he also picked up his drugs during me gunpointing him and attempts to leave the room,which i then promptly kill him.
The other Admin said I cannot be raided on 2nd floor through window,. From now on I will board up my windows on 2nd floor suburbs.
I forgot which admin but one of them. i asked them about the situation and he said I was all good hence why I will board up my 2nd story windows from now on
It is against the rules to board up the balcony on Subs Houses 1-3, this however doesn't mean they can't be used to raid you.

@Roger Dolan will be banned for 5 days for 3.4 and 3.24 from a different situation. There was no evidence of an administrator telling you that you cannot be gunpointed through the window in the initiation of a raid. Regardless, that in and of itself is incorrect and not against the rules to do. You likely confused some staff members words for something else and misconstrued their original idea.

Reviewed with @Collier

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