Action Request (Bean Flicker)

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Reaction score
gg church
Your Steam Name: Lhealey05
Your Roleplay Name: Lewis Ent
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:711786944

Player's Steam Name: Bean Flicker
Player's Roleplay Name: Andy Linguini
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53936548

Why should this player be punished?: The user was illegally transporting his firearm so we GP them out of the car his 2 friends complied with us he just ignored us jumped in his car and tried to run me over breaking rule 3.4 ignoring GP from multiple officers

Also one shot after ignoring multiple warnings to put his hands up he decided to DC whilst still conscious breaking 3.20
Evidence Link:
There’s no excuse for my actions, I didn’t realize I had the gun on my back. I had max drugs that took me hours to get so I tried to make a getaway which I know now is not aloud while at gunpoint. When the car was disabled I was in the process of putting my my hands up and then I got shot right as I was surrendering which I felt was unfair considering I didn’t have a gun out/ and wasn’t a threat (standing still trying to surrender) I know closing my game wasn’t the right move and I apologize.
I’ve had other instances that police understand that it is possible to make a mistake and accidentally have your gun on your back so I was hoping they would let me return the weapon to my car or house. My mistake I understand if you have to take action but I promise it won’t happen again. Please go easy on me.
Also I didn’t try to run him over I tried to drive away and he stood in front of the vehicle
I sincerely apologize for my actions. I hope you can find it in your heart forgive me with the holidays coming around. Happy holidays I’m sorry again it won’t happen again.
You only just come of a 3.4 ban it’s not up to me who it the decision but please read 3.4 as you haven’t had the best experience with that rule

I forgive you and accept your apology but please next time don’t run from gun point when your visible armed as it’s not the best idea and don’t leave on a red screen wait for your screen to turn black or wait to respawn also read rule 3.20 for that one

I’m happy enough to forgive you for your actions
Your also not a new player so your not stupid and you should know the rules pretty well especially when you have been punished 4 times for 3.4
I appreciate you and understand now hopefuly the admin can give me a second chance as I am about to be off for the holidays I know that’s not your problem but thanks for the consideration
Your also not a new player so your not stupid and you should know the rules pretty well especially when you have been punished 4 times for 3.4
Yes it was my stupid mistake I had majority of my money and I’ve been trying so hard to save for a car
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