Action Request (cloud)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: hotdog 6
Your Roleplay Name: Barry Dickens
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96947711

Player's Steam Name: cloud
Player's Roleplay Name: Teby Richards
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:596427858

Why should this player be punished?: 3.4 - didn't comply with my orders in a raid, when they opened the door although I shouted them to put their hands up like three times, they chose to run backwards and reach to their firearm.

Evidence Link:
i felt as if it was safe enough for me to open the door, as we planned on raiding s3 and there were 2 other players looking towards the door. whether or not i broke gunpoint (i was right behind a wall/corner, so i believe it was totally fine for me to go behind it and pull a gun), ur odds of winning that raid were very slim.
besides, on my pov u didnt say anything so i was able to quickly run behind the wall and pull a gun out (

You opened the door and the gun was pointed in your face at point-blank range. It is immaterial if you heard the orders that he gave to you; moving at all at that point in time constituted a great risk to your life. Just because you managed to sprint-run to the side does not mean it is permitted. This is a very clear break of 3.4.

User will receive a 1-day ban for breaking 3.4.

Reviewed with @Bojing
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