Action Request (Cux)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Grophyanskiy_
Your Roleplay Name: Virginia Hill
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:240551246

Player's Steam Name: Cux
Player's Roleplay Name: Brent Williams
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19371804

Why should this player be punished?: So,i seen him walking in his business shop backdoor without closing it,and decided to mug him.
After i entered i said multiple times "Hands up" and was gunpointing in his face,after some seconds he decided to run from gunpoint,and didnt put his hands up.

Evidence :

Time codes :
**0:00,0:02** ----> Me walking in his shop
**0:03** ----> Me Gunpointing him
**0:05** ---- > He decided to run from gunpoint.

It also has resulted in my death. And i've lost my glock 17,but i dont have clip fo that happened

Evidence Link:
Hello, I believe my actions in this particular scenario are performed in a realistic manner with reasonable risk, whereby I attempt to get out of an enclosed area as fast as possible - as would any reasonable person would in real life. Any reasonable person, upon given the opportunity to make a run to open view, would do so than continue to be enclose with an armed person in a secluded room. In this case I knew that the attempt to get into open view would take 1 second (an unreasonable approach would be if the attempt took eg 10 seconds)
I then complied with under gunpoint while I was outside, as you can see with me putting my hands up when you chased me outside. And while I was trying to cooperate then, you killed me.

@Cux you've been playing enough to know that when someone points a gun at you and orders you to put your hands up, you should immediately do so without further risking your life. In this case, considering the fact your escape also failed, you should have stopped and obeyed the gunpoint. Even after you put your hands up and were ordered to come inside, you kept moving toward outside which is a clear breach of 3.4, quoting the mentioned rule:

"Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons"

This scenario adhered to being realistic by no means, and it is clearly mentioned in the 3.4 guidelines that whenever you are gun pointed, you should adhere to rule 3.4, so you should have not attempted an escape to begin with and stopped soon as you acknowledged that the person who ran inside had a gun pointed at you and were speaking to you.

@Cux's ban will be extended to two weeks in total, @Grophyanskiy_ create an RR for your lost Glock 17 when adequate, link this thread as evidence, and don't forget to tag me.
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