Action Request (Daniel Connor)

Reaction score
Your Steam Name: fokus-rado08
Your Roleplay Name: Radoslav Stoyanov
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:756225799

Player's Steam Name: Daniel Connor
Player's Roleplay Name: RipperJuice
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33800049

Why should this player be punished?: The user was on top of Subs 3 watching a shootout happening on Subs4. This can be seen in the first video where he is happily jumping even though people were dying 30 meters away from him. Then, when I closed the distance and saw that the guy fully ignored the warnings I gave him via the god stick, I decided to go and gunpoint him because he was watching the shootout and I was thinking that he was going to flank. While I was climbing and told him to put his hands up while aiming my gun, he decided to start running towards Subs 3 balcony door but thankfully decided to surrender. Then I let him go because of the escalating situation in Subs 4. No more than 20 seconds later, we can see the guy doing the same thing. I gun pointed him again and put him in cuffs. I asked him what he was doing, and he said, "I'm watching for flankers," even though his house was not getting raided. I didn't want to let him cuffed, so I decided to confiscate his gun. When I informed him that his gun was getting confiscated, he said that he was going to report (he said it in IC and LOOC probably to scare me and not confiscate it). After I uncuffed him, the player followed me from the back to punch me for his gun confiscation.

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