Action Request (Kelson)

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Reaction score
the Netherlands
Your Steam Name: RipperJuice
Your Roleplay Name: Daniel Connor
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33800049

Player's Steam Name: Kelson
Player's Roleplay Name: Frank Taylor
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:76603209

Why should this player be punished?: At first I was crafting in Projex 4. Then Joe David decided to raid me, but he saw that there was nothing to get. We chatted for a bit and then he asked if I wanted to go raid Projex 3 with him. When we launched the raid, Frank Taylor emerged. I had every right to shoot him as he was risking his life to enter a raid but I decided to make him surrender and temporarily put him in my apartment until the raid was over. I have no right to mug him or to first take him out of sight and then mug, so that was not the intention.

After the raid was over I called Frank over and explained that I didn't want to raid and/or kill him as he wasn't armed. He understood the situation and I apologized.

About 20 minutes later Frank decided to raid me with a group of people. I surrendered and let myself be ziptied. Then Frank decided to shoot me, for 'revenge'. I see this action as RDM and 2.5, because I was handcuffed, unarmed and we talked out the situation.

@Valentine has a ticket for this and is looking into this further. I don't know exactly in which demo this happened, so if you can let me know, I'll send it to you.

Evidence Link:
you literally gun pointed me before and tried to get me inside your apartment so i revenge killed you, im pretty sure this has also been dealt with in game?
also when i first arrived you werent even raiding you were literally just chilling on the staircase and you decided to gunpoint me
you literally gun pointed me before and tried to get me inside your apartment so i revenge killed you, im pretty sure this has also been dealt with in game?
Not dealt with yet.

Joe can even confirm you gun pointed me and tried to get me inside your apartment
I had every right to shoot him as he was risking his life to enter a raid but I decided to make him surrender and temporarily put him in my apartment until the raid was over. I have no right to mug him or to first take him out of sight and then mug, so that was not the intention.

I literally explained the situation to you afterwards, even when you ran I didn't shoot you. In short, if I had done that, you wouldn't have been allowed to kill me afterwards anyway. I told you I let you live while we raided Projex 3. You shouldn't have even been there. I've decided to let you live and put you somewhere safe. So your action was a sad affair

You didn't need to make an AR, we already agreed that I'd let you know of the outcome after watching the demo via the forums or through another platform, I'll be closing this.
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