Action Request (Doom Guy & rolden)

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Reaction score
Ohio, United States of America
Your Steam Name: Eric Jonson
Your Roleplay Name: Eric Jonson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80703450

Player's Steam Name: P1: Doom Guy | P2: rolden
Player's Roleplay Name: P1: Tyler Gard | P2: Zack Reagan
Player's SteamID: P1: STEAM_0:0:534029976 | P2: STEAM_0:0:80420167

Why should this player be punished?: 3.12 Both users shot and killed me as mayor after i agreed to lower taxes. I put in BC that i would be heading to my office to lower the taxes at 0:26 and i as shown in the video kept my word to go lower them and did and then at the end of the video at 2:15 i was shot and killed even after i agreed and did lower the taxes.

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Mayoral assassinations are looked into in-depth and with the current mayor update, simply having the sales taxes at 25% isn't a justifiable reason to kill the mayor. There need to be other factors in play and the mayor's actions need to have affected a player in a severe, personal way as per rule 3.12. In this situation, the mayor was killed after he had broadcasted that he'd lower the taxes and after he had done so. There was no reason to kill the mayor, at that time, especially since the mayor's murder puts the sales taxes at 10% when they could have dropped lower. This assassination served @Doom Guy and @Zack Reagan no significant benefit. We do not have any further information regarding prior interactions with the mayor except an advert threatening the mayor by @Zack Reagan (rolden Zack Reagan STEAM_0:0:80420167 [Advert] The mayor has threatened to increase the tax rates to the maximum. If this happens, you will be taken care of. Sep 9, 2022 4:13:43 AM) which is against rule 3.4. This is because the players in question refused to respond. @Doom Guy will receive a 1 day ban for 2.5 and 3.12. @Zack Reagan will receive a 1 day ban for 2.5, 3.4 and 3.12.

Reviewed with @Exnem
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