Action Request (Eistee von Aldi)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: denjamy
Your Roleplay Name: jamy hallsack
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101208121

Player's Steam Name: Eistee von Aldi
Player's Roleplay Name: Omar Abu-Almani
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:590796330

Why should this player be punished?: 3.5 New Life Rule
He admits to trying to kill me again after i died
5.1 Mugging
Mugged me 2 times in a hour
5.6 Kidnapping
No point in kidnapping and killing me for no reason
2.5 Excessive Negativity
Killing a player over verbal insults, minor or accidental actions.

If i get banned for killing him once i believe he should be punished aswell.

Evidence Link:
To save very valuable time for everyone, because this is a huge waste of it. I decided to go through your demo and my own to provide some clips.

First here is the initial situation (from my own dem), where you reported me for RDM. As you can see I am giving my friend Johnny Weissmüller 28k, because I wrecked his Lamborghini. I also punch him and complain about something.

Then you come around and say "punch me and see what happens". All 3 of us, Johnny, Joe and me start pushing you and calling you a pussy, who won't do anything, until you pull a gun and start shooting at Joe. Please note you were not punched or injured in anyway so shooting here was not justified.
Normally we would finish you off and throw a molly to get rid of DNA and the thing would be settled, but police was right there and revived u and took u to jail.

This is the second part and it's from your demo. Your demo starts after you got revived and are being dragged to jail. You can see I am waiting outside for you when you come. The reason why I am here, because when I tried shooting you, after you shot at my friend, now you have KOS (kill on sight) on me and I have to worry you come find me at bazaar and kill me.
This is why I wanted to forcibly start NLR (new life rule) so you are not allowed to kill me for what happened and going to jail. I was oblivious to the fact, you wouldnt understand these rules and still came looking to kill me anyway, which is what you got banned for later on.

As for the kidnapping part, the reason I am waiting there, is because you cant kill people in front of P.D. There is too many cops and also that cop gate N.P.C. you have to be away from it, so I am waiting for you to go to garage or something. But for some reason you just jump into my car, without me saying anything. So I think "hey that is convenient" and just drive you away.

also for clarification:
3.5 New Life Rule
Is when your screen goes from red to black and after 5min you spawn somewhere else from where you died
When you get shot, screen is red, but medics revive you, that is not NLR
5.1 Mugging
Mugging means you put zip ties on someone and steal their items
5.6 Kidnapping
Is when you force somebody into car or out of public view
2.5 Excessive Negativity
Killing a player over verbal insults, minor or accidental actions.
Shooting Joe with a high caliber revolver is not a minor action, nor was it accidental
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@ALDI GXNG's testimony is pretty telling. He was allowed to try and kill you, he was allowed to go back and finish the job as you had not died previously, he was allowed to drive you to a secluded area as you quite literally got into his car and he started driving and he has never even mugged you as far as I can see.
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