Action Request (EmilErSej)

Reaction score
PD Holding Cell
Your Steam Name: sasuke0115
Your Roleplay Name: Amy Jordan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:243856479

Player's Steam Name: EmilErSej
Player's Roleplay Name: Mushi Kushinuki
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:130713758

Why should this player be punished?: toxic after raiding me. decided to say "womp womp" after raiding with 50 people. just overall toxic. User had no reason to say that whatsovere therefor breakling rule 1.1 disrepectful behaviour

Evidence Link:
we were 4 people raiding a projex apartment with 2 people in it who had large guns (We all had shotguns iirc) Then in the OOC chat someone, said something along the lines of "I hate when people zerg raid" Correct me if that is not what she said since i dont remember. Which then led to me saying womp womp in response in LOOC
i said "fucking zerg raiders" cuz like 3 of you all pushed me at the same time on a 18 pop. i wasnt toxic to you. i was saying generally zerg raiding is annoying and so are zerg raiders and you took it personal and said "womp womp" to annoy me
Yea i took it personal, because you called us something we were not in a rather disrespectfull way