Action Request (Envy)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: LequishDashawn Tyler
Your Roleplay Name: Franklin-Jeff Knocks
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:422171747

Player's Steam Name: Envy
Player's Roleplay Name: Justin Albert
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155837584

Why should this player be punished?: I was a passanger in my friends car. He accidentally Knudged against an officer and started driving backwards. When he did that the cops tiered his car. After that happened someone irl was ringing my door the whole time so i got out of the car and went to the side so i can open the door quickly. For some reason i got restrained even tho i was just a passanger and there was no valid suspicion of me doing anything (Especially since i didnt do a single thing). After that the tfu was gonna search me for guns which i responded to "ur not allowed to do that, im a passanger" he didnt care and just said "yes i can watch me" and just took my gun off of me even tho i was just a passanger. (In the demo skip forward to around 18000 ticks because i was afk for most of the part at the start of the demo

Evidence Link:
Your Steam Name: LequishDashawn Tyler
Your Roleplay Name: Franklin-Jeff Knocks
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:422171747

Player's Steam Name: Envy
Player's Roleplay Name: Justin Albert
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155837584

Why should this player be punished?: I was a passanger in my friends car. He accidentally Knudged against an officer and started driving backwards. When he did that the cops tiered his car. After that happened someone irl was ringing my door the whole time so i got out of the car and went to the side so i can open the door quickly. For some reason i got restrained even tho i was just a passanger and there was no valid suspicion of me doing anything (Especially since i didnt do a single thing). After that the tfu was gonna search me for guns which i responded to "ur not allowed to do that, im a passanger" he didnt care and just said "yes i can watch me" and just took my gun off of me even tho i was just a passanger. (In the demo skip forward to around 18000 ticks because i was afk for most of the part at the start of the demo

Evidence Link:
While Envy responds and gives insight to the situation please fix your evidence link I cannot access it.
We responded to a chaotic situation at the wonderful bazar. Upon arriving this wonderful individual and his friend were just lingering around despite shots being fired and chaos ensuing. They were asked to leave and didn't. When they finally left he somehow thought it was okay to hit someone uncon and then drive off. So I disabled the car. [didn't check to see if they were okay or anything]… When I gun pointed the car the passenger got out and what looked like ran and the driver complied. When I spoke to this individual he didn't make it known to me that he was off to the side because whatever was going on in his head. I agree that I should have received clarity from the officer that he hadn't ran but I didn't. I'm willing to replace the gun if need be but I do apologize for the confusion.

Yes the demeanor in the video doesn't look the best for the situation. BUT as stated I responded to a situation where many shots were fired and sometimes it just gets annoying to have people just "hanging out" during shoot outs.
i couldnt do much about being around since it was being controlled by my friend on where i was going since i was a passanger in his car.
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