Action Request (everyone in the video)

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Your Steam Name: ALOO89
Your Roleplay Name: leonard
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602

Player's Steam Name: everyone in the video
Player's Roleplay Name: everyone in the video
Player's SteamID: idk

Why should this player be punished?: as you can see in the video they start kosing cops and after killing all cops instead of leaving they start raiding the apartments which mean more cops and tfu will come and put there life in more danger bc at the time they start kosing they wasn't raiding

I think they break 3.4 by raiding p3 after killing the cop and as i know after committed crime player should leave as soon as possible but as you can see they just start raid after killing cops at projex

as you can see they had more than 40 sec to leave but they start the raid ( they killed the cops on 0.24 and on 1.08 cop arrived )

Evidence Link:
The only person that COULD get punished would be the player who initiated the raid ( who crowbarred ).
you could leave but as you can see on the video you chose to stay and fight
Once the raid was initiated by said player, we could stay as he started a new situation, the raid.
i think its still 3.4 as you guys chose to stay rather than leave after committed crime

Not involved but this report has been requested to be closed last time.
i know he requested to close because its my video and at the time i didnt really have time to make AR
Not involved but this report has been requested to be closed last time.
What brings you to make this action request?
40 seconds can decide a whole lot btw.
i decided to open it again
  • Optimistic
Reactions: A1L
As I said before, a raid was initiated which made us allowed to stay.
you wasnt involved on the raid you where at projex because you have been call to kos cops not to raid that mean you wasnt really involved on the raid and if you have left that woudnt count as timer for you

you know that all the PLPD have life alert and raiding projex after killing some cops mean more cops coming

anyway i think we should leave it for the stuff member

As I stated in the action request before it was closed, please provide the demo so I can see the whole situation.

After reviewing demos from the players involved in the situation and careful consideration, we concluded that initiating the raid after the shootout would have been a proportionate action. The players had already planned on specifically initiating a raid on Projex 3 before the situation had evolved into a shootout and the players involved were swift to enact on their initial plan once the shootout had ended.

On their way to Projex 3, @African purposely pitted @daZai's vehicle into a police officer conducting a traffic stop at the intersection. @daZai at the time was warranted and fled the scene resulting in the shootout before the raid at Projex. @African will be receiving a punishment under rule 3.4 & 3.15 for causing the pursuit that led to the shootout.

We noticed that @Ohneilius, @OverCastSpark87, @daZai & @Leenosh had broken the rules, 3.4 and 5.3 by abusing their raid timer as well as risking their life and freedom to benefit from a situation that they shouldn't benefit from. Before attempting to raid Projex 3, they have raided Projex 1 and 4, meaning that they were already on a raid timer and had no information whether Projex 3 would be empty or not. The players should have actively done everything within their power to avoid this scenario and will be receiving a ban under the rules, 3.4 & 5.3.

Reviewed with @Oddy, @A1L, @Carrot, @Sindarin, @Ellie, @Chase & @phoondos
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