Action Request (Guss Griswold)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: [-Core-] Daan
Your Roleplay Name: Lucius Husky
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54498132

Player's Steam Name: Guss Griswold
Player's Roleplay Name: Bertram Rutherford
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:23175429

Why should this player be punished?: 3.4, the player decided to drive off after he was stood completely still due to him being blocked by a bugatti. Eventually when we disabled his car he decided to still stay in the car for a prolonged period of time without listening to me telling him to get out.

He hereby put his life at way more risk then needed as our plan wasn't first to actually kill him but only the guy in his van that we were after.

The clip does not have my voice but if Bertram feels like my orders werent clear I'm sure he can go into his demo's to find my voice sounds as I sadly didnt record my own voice.

I made a report yesterday but it was closed as I had to disconnect.

Evidence Link:

User does not have a forum account so I will attempt to contact him via steam
Hey, Bertram here.

My IC motivation is that I was running a small bus service for fun after having won premium on the wheel enabled me to buy a VW bus. Picking up passengers and trying to have a good peaceful time, and make some friends. This attempt at some peacerp was interrupted however.

As far as I remember you came to my bus and demanded that once of my passengers apologize for stealing your car. I wish to take good care of my passengers, and as you had all left your car I was under the impression that it would be safer to try to escape than to stay and have a conversation with a gun. I thought it would be a more useful course of action when it came to staying alive (as per 3.6), aditionally I found the idea of threatening somebody with a gun to demand an apology quite ludicrous. I was not under the impression that somebody threatening somebody with a gun to demand an apology, was somebody with whom a conversation would end well for either me or my passengers. So, being close to the police station I thought the most effective safety would be to drive quickly towards the police station, and I honestly didn't really expect they would kill anybody over demanding an apology.

Also, as the video clearly shows you shot me after exiting my van. I don't find it unrealistic or failRP to be apprehensive about exiting one's vehicle if a man is pointing a gun at you, and it was only when I finally complied that you actually shot me. When I was killed I found it utterly unreasonable, especially as you'd already killed the guy you were after, so I filed a report, but told the admin that it was fine and I'd let it rest after having waited and decided I didn't find the effort worth it.

EDIT: I've linked my account now by the way.
Hey, Bertram here.

My IC motivation is that I was running a small bus service for fun after having won premium on the wheel enabled me to buy a VW bus. Picking up passengers and trying to have a good peaceful time, and make some friends. This attempt at some peacerp was interrupted however.

As far as I remember you came to my bus and demanded that once of my passengers apologize for stealing your car. I wish to take good care of my passengers, and as you had all left your car I was under the impression that it would be safer to try to escape than to stay and have a conversation with a gun. I thought it would be a more useful course of action when it came to staying alive (as per 3.6), aditionally I found the idea of threatening somebody with a gun to demand an apology quite ludicrous. I was not under the impression that somebody threatening somebody with a gun to demand an apology, was somebody with whom a conversation would end well for either me or my passengers. So, being close to the police station I thought the most effective safety would be to drive quickly towards the police station, and I honestly didn't really expect they would kill anybody over demanding an apology.

Also, as the video clearly shows you shot me after exiting my van. I don't find it unrealistic or failRP to be apprehensive about exiting one's vehicle if a man is pointing a gun at you, and it was only when I finally complied that you actually shot me. When I was killed I found it utterly unreasonable, especially as you'd already killed the guy you were after, so I filed a report, but told the admin that it was fine and I'd let it rest after having waited and decided I didn't find the effort worth it.

EDIT: I've linked my account now by the way.
Tomo only requested an apology at bazaar due to the cops being there which made it so we werent allowed to do anything. You guys werent at gunpoint for this so said apology. You stating that you were trying to follow rule 3.6 by staying alive would've ended way better if you actually followed it by following gunpoint orders. Obviously when a gun is pointed at you, you should follow the orders given to have a chance of staying alive. If we wanted to kill you from the start we would've just sprayed the van down anyway.

You driving away and helping that apparently stranger to you just risked your life further which is not our fault.

What were you reporting me for anyway? I haven't broken a single rule. And if you believe I do I'd highly recommend you reporting me.

You didn't only drive off under gunpoint while your car was completely still, you also waited in the van for a while while under gunpoint not following orders yet again. You eventually complying doesn't excuse the rulebreaks that occured.

@GussGriswold rules prohibit you from using the fact that you cannot take damage from firearms whilst your vehicle is still active as a valid point when considering escaping from gunpoint.

@GussGriswold will be warned for 3.4.
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