Action Request (idk)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: MalekIsWeird
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Player's Steam Name: Ray
Player's Roleplay Name: Robert Maxwell
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33066220

Why should this player be punished?: He negatively affected my experience by breaking rules in an effort to save his items that I am entitled to since realistically had he followed rules, I would have surely acquired them.

He broke 3.4 by talking trash and agitating an armed mugger in a alley, While also refusing to consent to zipties when demanded.

He disconnected to avoid roleplay consequences.

Evidence Link:

I did deal with the disconnecting earlier via a warning but have only just had a chance to view the whole clip with sound. @Ray69 will recieve a 1day ban for 3.4 and 3.20

You will not receive a refund for the items he had on them as UNFORTUNATELY (pls change) We do not refund for this as its only items that were directly lost via a rulebreak and not something you would of got if the rulebreak did not occure
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