Action Request (im not sure)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: RonnieThatG
Your Roleplay Name: Ronnie Murphy
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:177547090

Player's Steam Name: im not sure
Player's Roleplay Name: Jimmy Love
Player's SteamID: Again not sure

Why should this player be punished?: This player had just raided me and i was kinda afk i dident even know he was raiding i came back on for a second to check my weed when he opened the door and stright up shot me no warning nothing no asking for me to surrender causing me to loose 2 planters nearly done of weed

Evidence Link:
I've spoke with staff privately about this clip and they explained why exactly this is wrong, i've always assumed when raiding anyone inside is going to be killed and thats just coming from experience solo growing, always get shot without a gun.

I understand now that if no gun is shown i should report it and i'd like to reimburse the player that I raided, and an apology, i'm still learning after all this time, i hope the player understands that.

What I did there was just a reflection of what has happened to me and will not be a repeat occurrence

Knowing this it will never happen again and I will always teach new players to do the same.
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