Action Request (jackwilkinson250)

Reaction score
Biettifeld North Rhine-Westphalia
Your Steam Name: mj2067
Your Roleplay Name: mohamed jalalibil
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:791941820

Player's Steam Name: jackwilkinson250
Player's Roleplay Name: im unaware
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:714516294

Why should this player be punished?: prop pushed numerous cars and mass rdm the player clearly knew what he was doing as he was being supported and egged on

Evidence Link: ellie was the ban mod
Hello, Mohamed. Action requests are only necessary when a player you are reporting is no longer on the server, or when there are no staff members available to take the F6 report in-game.

It seems like Ellie has already issued this player a ban for this incident, therefore, making this AR redundant.

Hello, Mohamed. Action requests are only necessary when a player you are reporting is no longer on the server, or when there are no staff members available to take the F6 report in-game.

It seems like Ellie has already issued this player a ban for this incident, therefore, making this AR redundant.