Action Request (Jay)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score

Your Steam Name: Sorle
Your Roleplay Name: Blippy Kosherberg
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51990442

Player's Steam Name: Jay
Player's Roleplay Name: Jay Blak
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:88240979

Why should this player be punished?: 3.4 - initiated a mugging whilst I had a gun in passive, seeking a shootout and basically that's not allowed and is 3.4

Evidence Link:

@Jay Blak can you explain your actions?

@Sorle why did you open fire before knowing their intentions?
i opened fire because if i just walk past disregarding their gunpoint i am putting my life extensively at risk with no real chance of escape, not in accordance with 2.6 - i have to play the situation out normally without using the rulebreaks as a crutch to break rules myself
@Lucius Husky we were going down to clear area for our org to sell and saw him come running and wasnt sure of his intentions, (which the video kinda proves by him showing hostility by shooting first and raising his gun before the fact he was told to raise his hands) so just told him to put hands up for and as a panic reflex and as another reflex of getting shot at we shot back. there was no intentions of mugging somebody with a gun already out or shooting him. just a messy situation that could have been easily avoided or sorted out but now we here i guess lol.
@Lucius Husky we were going down to clear area for our org to sell and saw him come running and wasnt sure of his intentions, (which the video kinda proves by him showing hostility by shooting first and raising his gun before the fact he was told to raise his hands) so just told him to put hands up for and as a panic reflex and as another reflex of getting shot at we shot back. there was no intentions of mugging somebody with a gun already out or shooting him. just a messy situation that could have been easily avoided or sorted out but now we here i guess lol.
there's a delay on speech, you came down with a gun pointed towards me and said "hands up" judging on the timeframe you said this before i pulled my weapon up then i shot after i heard you say "hands up"

how do you not demonstrate intentions of mugging somebody when you come towards them with a gun pointed at them then tell them to put their hands up

i raised my weapon because your gun was pointed then shot after you said "hands up" - walking with a gun pointed is demonstrating hostility

We had a small chat about this between a few staff members and the conclusion was that Sorle had every right to defend themselves as it was clear that the people approaching him had other intentions than just passing by.

For @Jay Blak, you cannot initiate a mugging on someone that is holding a weapon out. The rule/guideline we follow is you simply just pass each other and ignore each other as the risk it brings to yourself isnt worth it and violates 3.4.

@Jay Blak received a warning for 3.4. Also, when you are next online I'd like the HK45 CT(185169028) you took from Sorle's body.

@Sorle I will attempt to return the weapon to you when I can, please remind me when you see me online.

@torbizzle @Tilin @Nazeer
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