Action Request (JayMo)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Oddy
Your Roleplay Name: Reginald Ficklestein
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86496847

Player's Steam Name: JayMo
Player's Roleplay Name: Kamaro Useman
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:145314060

Why should this player be punished?: 3.20 Disconnecting from server

While bullets were still flying around him from attempting to raid us he stored his dead friend's weapon and also his own, believing I had killed him through the roof, I pushed out only to find his apartment un-owned and his friend's gun missing.

Evidence Link:
Tbh it was getting late and after u locked the door which u shouldn't have @Oddy I didn't feel like continuing the raid. Why did u lock the door in the first place if u wanted my weapon so bad?
I have yet to see where in the rules it says I'm not allowed to do so. You utilized your entire apartment to spray down to the apartment below, by locking the door I'm forcing you to either try prying down the door or discontinue the raid, from when you shot your last bullet till you disconnected it took you 56 seconds before you stored your guns and quit. The RP scenario was still very much active. From when I shot my last bullet to refill my magazines it took you 25 seconds to store your weapon your life was still at risk and you should have waited out for the scenario to be over before leaving the server. From when doors were locked you showed no signs of discontinuing the raid and you kept spraying for a long while, if you were to have taken me through the roof I believe your tone would have been different.
I did push out not much more than a minute after the clip ends to try to end the RP scenario, but you already ended it by leaving.

Blaming on it being late and they didn't feel like continuing the raid does not justify breaking the rules. He stored and disconnected while being shot at, for this @Jay will receive a ban for 3.18 and 3.20.
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