Action Request (Jorgos)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Coomstains
Your Roleplay Name: Donald Trail
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:778092571

Player's Steam Name: Jorgos
Player's Roleplay Name: Irwin Goodman
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:452672965

Why should this player be punished?: I had KOS on Irwin because he mugged me prior to this. When I was lurking on him I noticed he was going around regals parking lot smacking peoples cars with a bat for seemingly no reason including the courier's. He also appeared to be threatening me with the bat for no reason (unsure on that, I'm also curious as to whether he was smacking my car with the bat or not as far as I'm aware it wasn't damaged before he showed up)

Whether or not he damaged my vehicle and was threatening me fore no reason, he was certainly damaging other peoples cars for seemingly no reason. If there is no reason for it the player has broken 2.1 and 2.5. It's unrealistic to go around damaging peoples cars with a bat for no reason, as well as it is excessively negative.

Evidence Link:

@Jorgos what was the reason for which you were hitting the cars with your bat? Also, why did you ordered the person out of the car?

reviewed with @Tilin
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