Action Request (Kelson)

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Reaction score
Saint-etienne, France
Your Steam Name: Remi
Your Roleplay Name: Remi Gus
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:594114510

Player's Steam Name: Kelson
Player's Roleplay Name: Frank Taylor
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:76603209

Why should this player be punished?: **01:10**------>>>> RDM me for no reason while I was bringing an officer to the hospital, and chased me inside PD for no reason for killing me.
the incident occurs April 1 at 08:35 AM GMT+0
Evidence Link:
we were literally raiding regals and u got ur gun out in the vid obviously? it wasnt even me shooting at u initially i shot u because i saw Valentine shoot at u first as u were obviously aware since u got your gun out first before u got shot

From what I can see, Kelson has nothing much to gain from entering PD and gunning you down other than getting another warrant on their name.

While it is true that they were raiding Regals, this does not mean that you can just KOS cops dealing with other situations that just so happen to be on the same continent as you.

The fact that Remi was helping another officer could warrant the shooting of him, if the officer's death was directly related to your raid. But this was not the case, the officer was ran over by Remi.

Therefor, by chasing down a Police officer into the Police station is putting your life at significant risk without from as far as I can see any benefit.

After taking a closer look at Kelson's record, it would appear that they have not been banned for a while. Although the bans and warnings they do have suggest that Kelson should know the constraints of 3.4 by now. Therefor they will be receiving a 1 week ban.
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