Action Request (ISTGYouAnnoyingASF)

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Reaction score
Saint-etienne, France
Your Steam Name: Remi
Your Roleplay Name: Remi Gus
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:594114510

Player's Steam Name: ISTGYouAnnoyingASF
Player's Roleplay Name: Jaxson Davidson
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:597226409

Why should this player be punished?: STEAM_0:0:597226409
**02:09**------->>>>>> Directly shoot at me for no reason while I was inside my property, without any warning

the incident occur at saturday 15 April at 08:01 AM GMT+0
Witness : character name "Alex Starkov " STEAM_0:0:767092869 Steam name: AceSpaniard | ( was not directely witness to my death)

Evidence Link:
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@IThinkTheCopsAreAfterMe Justify your actions please.
Sure, so right after my bobby pinned broke my friend got killed. I thought it was him so i shot him 2 in the chest (one in the window by accident). When he put his hands up I realized he wasn't the shooter. If he ahd only put his hands up before I could have bandaged him. As you can see in the clip I put my gun down to try and bandage him but he bled out. And I apologised to him after he died? He even said it was fine so I don't understand his problem. Not only that, he delays putting his hands up so its not my problem. If only he put them faster I could have bandaged him.
@IThinkTheCopsAreAfterMe I believe that the primary concern in this case is that you seem to have shot at the user without properly assessing the situation (2.5). You shot an unarmed player multiple times. Why didn’t you take a second to assess whether or not the player was a threat and go from there?

It’s the due diligence of any player who intends on shooting another to ensure they’ve investigated and assessed the situation properly before pulling the trigger. In this case, @IThinkTheCopsAreAfterMe shot you without applying that due diligence. For that reason, they’ll be receiving a warning for 2.5 Excessive Negativity.

Something we noticed while reviewing your evidence is that your friend AceSpaniard messaged you on steam after you were shot, writing “run outside, i’ll kill him”. This is a violation of rule 3.2 Metagaming, which we take very seriously. Seeing that you’re both new and that you didn’t act on the information (albeit you didn’t have time to as you had just died), AceSpaniard will also be receiving a warning. It will be noted that you were the recipient of metagaming messages and that you now know that it’s against server rules. We expect users to only convey In-Character information via In-Character means.

Reviewed with @Dave
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