Action Request (kkay)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Astakos
Your Roleplay Name: Alejandro Rojas
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37905857

Player's Community Name: @kkay
Player's Roleplay Name: kay funds
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:98351704

Why should this player be punished?: He broke gp from 2 people i dont know why , then during an admin sit he claimed he didnt (need to write more for some reason )

Evidence Link:
sam the mod was handling the report
A Bit annoying how your friend DCed as soon as I got into the car but, felt it was only right to at least get away as I would've gotten away if he didn't dc.

I didn't notice the officer's gun if I'm honest with you - *I'm going to try and get my POV to prove this*. For your gun, I was just so annoyed how your friend DCed so that I wanted to run.

Like to reiterate that I didn't see the officer's gun in my POV with the car alarm going off I didn't really hear the officer's commands either if I'm honest.

I know I probably shouldn't have run but I was just annoyed how his friend left the server after watching me steal his car, allowing his friend to GP me.

@Sir Riley Why did you withdraw your firearm/shoot at the stolen vehicle when police were on scene? Laws 2.1 and 2.2 were void there as there were Police Officers on scene and you were not given permission to get involved by an officer ranked Lieutenant or above as per law 3.11.

@liamwharvey why did you DC as soon as your vehicle was stolen?
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First of all pulled the gun out so he can exit the car , thought after the whole thing is over ,i can explain to cops what happened which i did and then it was resolved .Here is the later part of the video
I was on a discord call with Liam, he said about 20 seconds before this he is gonna dc, we was just finishing what we was talking about.
He also doesn’t use the forums
So you’ve just admitted to meta gaming?
metagaming? wtf i dont think i know any of these 2 i just thought it was someone elses car apparently it wasnt ,( i got tons of demos proving that i dont interract with them , i just got involved in the car theft cause i believed this car was someone elses unfortunately
metagaming? wtf i dont think i know any of these 2 i just thought it was someone elses car apparently it wasnt ,( i got tons of demos proving that i dont interract with them , i just got involved in the car theft cause i believed this car was someone elses unfortunately
he wasnt saying u was metagaming he was saying me and liam was metagaming
*not involved* Being on a discord call is not metagaming unless in-character information that was said in the call was used in game as the rule states @Kay
*not involved* Being on a discord call is not metagaming unless in-character information that was said in the call was used in game as the rule states @Kay
Let’s be honest here, if they’re in discord together there’s been some IG information being transferred
metagaming? wtf i dont think i know any of these 2 i just thought it was someone elses car apparently it wasnt ,( i got tons of demos proving that i dont interract with them , i just got involved in the car theft cause i believed this car was someone elses unfortunately
Once you noticed it wasn’t your mates car why carry on to get involved? Risking your life shooting next to officers with guns for someone’s car you don’t even know…
Why would we metagame? We done it before and got caught, haven’t done it since as there isn’t any point in it. U can ask everyone we play with we normally talk about out character stuff in game as well, we are either on the phone too each other or on teamspeak with each other, if u think we metagame be more then happy to report us but we can prove that we don’t
Once you noticed it wasn’t your mates car why carry on to get involved? Risking your life shooting next to officers with guns for someone’s car you don’t even know…
You are abosulutely right i should back off then and there but i say that with clear head . back then i didnt think it right, thats my bad and i am fully responsible for my action.
Why would we metagame? We done it before and got caught, haven’t done it since as there isn’t any point in it. U can ask everyone we play with we normally talk about out character stuff in game as well, we are either on the phone too each other or on teamspeak with each other, if u think we metagame be more then happy to report us but we can prove that we don’t
Yeah yeah mate whatever you say mate.
You are abosulutely right i should back off then and there but i say that with clear head . back then i didnt think it right, thats my bad and i am fully responsible for my action.
Same here mate, shouldn’t have ran under your direct gun point, I was just rlly annoyed how that guy dced as soon as I got into the car.

No hard feelings mate.
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