Action Request (KorayC)

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Reaction score
netherlands zoetermeer

KorayC did everything in his power to ensure his own safety whilst attempting to mug you two, even going as far as to close the door to prevent anyone from seeing what's happening. Mugging someone on somebody else's property has never been against the rules.
In the process of trying to mug the two of you, Foe Dough pulled out a gun whilst under gunpoint and killed him, violating rule 3.4 in doing so. If he hadn't, you wouldn't have died in the crossfire from the gunfight that erupted. This part however was already dealt with in-game and he received a ban for his actions.

Even though your death was unfortunate, it was not caused intentionally. You simply became collateral damage to a mugging turned self defense scenario, which was largely out of KorayC's control with how erratic Foe Dough's movements were.
I want to emphasize that KorayC was specifically aiming for Foe Dough, as can be seen from KorayC's POV that was used to punish Foe Dough. But he missed and hit you.

Reviewed with @Maia
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