Action Request (Kurze)

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slums 5
As you can see in my clip you didn't say anything until you shot me down already. You also GP'd me in a front of an open area. 5.1 states "Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public. Players may not be forced to move out of public view under gunpoint prior to the mugging."
for the GP part, It was an instinctive reaction to move away from the line of sight and draw my weapon.

As you didn't speak to me until you gunned me down I thought it was a raid hence my questions in OOC after:
[LOOC] GainAxe: bro....
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[OOC] Kurze: was that the second time u raided me in 10 minutes?
[OOC] GainAxe: it's not a raid its a mugging + it was unoccupied when i raided you first

As far as I can see, the Front of a bazaar shop is an open area, so a mugging shouldn't be conducted in the open area right.
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