Action Request (Lhealey05)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Borat
Your Roleplay Name: Bob Boogly
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:180694545

Player's Steam Name: Lhealey05
Player's Roleplay Name: Officer Lewis
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:711786944

Why should this player be punished?: Officer Lewis came into base after we called the police for a raid defense. When Officer Lewis downed the last raider and came into the main room, I instructed all my org members to surrender and drop weapons, and we all did and complied with the officers. After reviving the suspect, the suspect said, "Hey look you can see drugs in here!" the officer jumped on a prop in order to view drugs on the upper level of our base, and then proceeded to battering ram the door in and fail confiscated the drugs. Lhealey knows my org from experiences in the past and I believe he was also player targeting. He then showed up again to office just 30 minutes later for another raid defense, and I got arrested for 'being rude' to him.

Evidence Link:
Hello i would like to add my side to this Ar as seen in the first clip i jumped on the tble then jumped off and i was on the floor jumping up and down before i saw i drugs i didnt see them till i was on there floor and thats when i took the drugs and i got told there is 3 attackes they killed 2 and i killed 1 i took 3 guns as i kept asking whos guns who and no one gave me a correct anwser so thats my bad but i didnt use the table to see the drugs as i was on the floor jumping up and down thats when i saw them and i was not player targeting as you are not a rival org idk who you are or who your org are and plus i cant see orgs when on pd so idk what your org is until now and i later responded to a break in where you broke charcter and i arrestd you for 10.1 because you were saying im a fucking idiot and stuff i did not target you i was doing my job and following plpd policy. i also said in looc stop breaking charcter

you breaking chacter

I would also like to add that that in his clips you can hear him saying im getting a sit im getting admin once again breaking chacter

There is no such thing as "parkour fail" on this server, and climbing up on a table or other defensive prop is not unrealistic or close to parkour in any way. The officer(s) broke no rules in the situation, whereas you broke character several times in your own evidence so you will be given a short server ban for that.

Lewis seems to have made a mistake in weapon confiscation, and you can make an internal affairs complaint on him for that if you wish to do so.
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