Action Request (Ligma)

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Reaction score
Ireland, Dublin
Your Steam Name: Mason.Helms
Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759

Player's Steam Name: Ligma
Player's Roleplay Name: Ben gray
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:551197463

Why should this player be punished?: User placed a car bomb on several cars for no reason other to have a laugh exploded my car and other cars in the impact then another goes off fully tiering my car and killing me. in my demo the user admitted to placing a car bomb on the van my Mercedes AMG and the purple tesla seen in the clip. additionally i seen the user prior to this in the bazaar asking if anyone was selling car bombs and asked me how to use one. at this time of the footage i was afk and i lost a SW 500. if anymore evidence is needed please let me know.

Evidence Link:
From what I see, the user who was exploded in that clip was not killed by a car bomb that was placed by @Ligma.

Additionally the damage to your vehicle was done by another player after the car bombing took place.
the damage to my vehicle i seen in my demo was a second car bomb placed on another vehicle and if they weren't placed by ligma then why did they brag about randomly putting car bombs on 3 cars *2 going off the one on my car didnt*1
the damage to my vehicle i seen in my demo was a second car bomb placed on another vehicle and if they weren't placed by ligma then why did they brag about randomly putting car bombs on 3 cars *2 going off the one on my car didnt*1
Your car was tiered as a result of a player crashing it close to the area.

In the clip only 1 car bomb went off.

There is nothing saying they can't lie and boast about placing car bombs. Stupid? Yes. But not against the rules.
Your car was tiered as a result of a player crashing it close to the area.

In the clip only 1 car bomb went off.

There is nothing saying they can't lie and boast about placing car bombs. Stupid? Yes. But not against the rules.
so your saying somebody stole and tiered my car?

@ShammyCrusader Considering the user's speed and their previous actions, which resulted in their ban, their 2.5 warning and the ban evasion attempt, I believe the user at this time has nothing positive to contribute to the community as of now.

They will receive an extension on their ban from 1 week to 1 month.
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