Action Request (Luciano Valachi)

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Reaction score
The Netherlands
Your Steam Name: ExcelentAxelent
Your Roleplay Name: Axel Ent
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160695669

Player's Steam Name: Valurim
Player's Roleplay Name: Luciano Valachi
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:154568770

Why should this player be punished?: Name : Luciano Valachi
What Happened : He raided a property that was recently raided and cops were on scene
Nobody was currently facing an arrest that would cause "10 toes"

When : About ~5 minutes ago
Broken Rules : 3.4 3.6 by above named.

Evidence Link:
Firstly I would like to apologize for the inconvenience and un-enjoyable experience I caused for the players whom were affected by my negligence and poor choice. I understand what it’s like to be on the “victim end” of a rule break, it is frustrating and causes me/others to feel like not playing the game at all.

Moving into why I did what I did, I previously had looked at the rules and seen nothing about attacking the cops/ counter raiding. I did see something about doing crimes in front of cops. Looking back, I am extremely dumb. Doing the crime to the cops is just as doing it in front of them. It was a very rushed decision and I didn’t think it through. I’m not here to excuse what I did but rather show this; I really didn’t think it was a rule break, I had no clue until I was informed. Now with this knowledge, it means I wouldn’t ever do it again. If you look in my record I have quite the 3.4 record. I had a 3 month ban and the first day I came back I got banned again for a week. I’ve struggled with this, but recently I’ve been doing really good obviously aside from this. With this presented I make my plea, I am sorry, I acknowledge, I am willing to continue upholding the rules, and with this new found knowledge this is something I am most definitely confident I can avoid. With my record showing how bad I’ve been with 3.4, take these past few weeks maybe months I haven’t been keeping track, but take this time where I have been really trying and doing better. Please give me a chance to prove this is something I won’t do again. Again I know I ruined someone’s gameplay experience and I’m so sorry, there was no ill intent. This isn’t an excuse but an apology, seeking out a second chance. Thank you so much for your time.
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