Action Request (Mina)

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London, United Kingdom
Your Steam Name: Acerius
Your Roleplay Name: Acer Joseph
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83316799

Player's Steam Name: Mina
Player's Roleplay Name: Kian Wolf
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:437224249

Why should this player be punished?: I am making an Action Request against Kian Wolf (Mina) for breaking Rule 5.3 Raiding, in respect that he returned to the property after a significant lapse of time after I re-secured the property. The length of time and the circumstances leading to this makes me to believe that this would be classed as a second raid, which is in direct contravention of Rule 5.3 as per the following:
5.3 Raiding
Civilians are not allowed to raid, or assist others who are raiding, an occupied property more than 2 times in a 60 minute period, or raid the same property more than once in a 60 minute period. If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 1 hour after they have respawned before attempting to raid, or assist others in raiding that property. Players who died whilst being raided may also not return to the situation until it has finished. Players are only permitted to use 2 bombs per raid, timed or remote. This does not include grenades.​

It is clear to me, in my opinion, that Kian Wolf raided the same property more than once in a 60 minute period. I will explain why I feel this way below, and I will also add that my view does not change regardless of whether or not Kian Wolf died in the original raid due to the significant lapse of time, and other factors which will be explained below.

I will add for the purposes of this, I have included most if not all of the reply I made in-respect of an action request made against me by another user as most of the information is relevant and material. Some of the commentary as part of this is immaterial to this particular action request, as it is me responding to accusations made against myself. However despite this almost all of the given information is relevant to this particular action request.

- Tick: 6832
I arrived at Glass Co to base with an allied organisation and one member from my own organisation. The two organisations are: The Red Family and The Royals. The base had already been built and I had no influence over its design. The Red Family and the Royals both have distinct uniforms: bright red, and British racing green. This excludes two new members to The Red Family who were new players and in default clothing, and a new member of The Royals who was wearing all-black. As you can see from the interior of Glass Co, there are no windows showing the external environs and there would be no way to visually identify any person whilst inside the building unless a door had been opened.

Raid Commences – Tick: 44241
The raid commences at this time where it can be observed in Local chat a “hello motherfuckers” and the use of PLPD binds. While I do not know whether the use of PLPD binds is allowed during raids, specifically the use of (PLPD Speakers) at the beginning of a callout, this was when I knew the raid had commenced. I was only able to discern one voice outside which I would later become aware is that of Kian Wolf (Mina).

As you can see from the demo, I moved into the second room and then moved back into the growing room after I heard gunshots and bullet droppings behind me. At no point during this movement was I able to visually identify any of the raiders as they had not yet entered the property. As there was shooting through the barricaded door as can be seen in the demo, I shot blindly through the barricaded door in a return fire.

My Death – Tick: 43000
As you can see, I am shooting blindly through the barricaded door. Due to the volume of shooting and noise during the raid, I would have had no indication as to whether I have hit somebody. This is further amplified by the fact that my teammate (a new player as part of The Red Family), who is standing behind the defence next to the door, begins to shoot at me. This causes me to lose health very quickly and subsequently die as he continues to shoot me until death.

As you can see by the tick times, this was in no way midway through the raid. I died extremely early on, and while I have no knowledge of exactly how long the raid lasted, it is clear to me that I would not have known who the raiders were or what they looked like, and whether the situation ended.

Arrive Back at Glass Co – Tick: 55265
Upon respawning, I go to City Garage and get my car back which is allowed within the Rules. I go to Suburbs storage and retrieve a weapon, which is implicitly allowed as per Rule 3.5. From 4300 to 55265 during my journey, it is clear that there is no communication from anyone either by text message, organisation chat, or Police Broadcast that there is a situation on-going at Glass Co/Business District and that I should stay clear of the area.

As such I make my way back to the property for which I have keys and chest access, which can be described as being “owned”. Leading up to my return at Glass Co, there are no vehicles outside the barriers to Glass Co in the road nor a police cordon. Thus, I would have not known that the raid was continuing nor whether the original raiders were still there.

At this point, my NLR had completely gone which can be seen from the time elapsed in the logs. One can not reasonably expect, if there is no indication outside the property by virtue of vehicles on the road or a police cordon, for a layman to know that a situation is on-going. I also have mitigating circumstances in-respect that as I did not see any of the original raiders, nor their vehicles before or during the raid, that I would have known upon my return if they were still there.

Non-Friendly Identified – Tick: 55354
After my slow approach to Glass Co which would allow reasonable time, even after my NLR has ended, for vehicles to leave the property, I turned into the car wash and observed the accuser standing by a vehicle with a weapon on his back. I am unsure whether this is visible in the demo but the accuser was wearing bright baby blue, including a blue baseball cap. I spent over a minute observing the accuser in-order to satisfy myself that they were not a friendly individual and that they should not be on the property. I watched them put the weapon in the trunk and move to the rear of Glass Co.

Still, I had not received any information as to whether the situation was on-going. As I have alluded to multiple times, I would not have any information from my previous life as to who the original raiders were. At this point, all that was certain to me (by virtue of the information on uniforms and clothing I had given in the background) was that this individual that I had now identified outside of Glass Co, and who subsequently entered the rear of the property, had no right nor interest to be there.

Voices Inside – Tick: 56500(ish)
As I walked past the side of the property, I could hear voices inside of the building. I had not heard this voice or been able to discern it before, during or after the initial raid and thus it would not have informed me as to whether it was the initial raiders. The content of the voice I heard, to the description of that drugs were nearly finished, led me to believe that this person was either raiding or stealing from the property.

I subsequently moved inside the property in-order to secure it, and as I walked in the property, I saw there were weapons on the ground. As I had already seen the accuser with a weapon on his back it was unclear to me whether he was unarmed, or armed. I moved quickly around the corner as he was calling out on his phone and killed him.

This occurred as you can see per the timestamps and the logs well over 10 minutes after I had died. This would have meant my NLR had elapsed. Per this and all the other previous statements I have given with regards to not knowing who the original raiders are, and no indication of whether the raid had fully ceased, I see this as fair and just.

It cannot be reasonably expected for me to wait more than 10 minutes before I re-enter the property and shoot a person who has been identified as non-friendly, by: their clothing; having a weapon on their back; and entering the property without permission, when there is no such indication that the original raiders are still there.

I will now go onto more information which is relevant but immaterial to this action request against me, which I will use in my own action request.

Second Raid Begins – Tick: 62000
Significant time, as seen by the timestamps, had elapsed before I re-secured the property and killed an intruder. At this point you can hear in the demo, I heard crowbarring of the door. I raised my weapon in preparation for a second raid, when:

Same Raider Identified – 63000
I hear a voice which is the same as that of Kian Wolf (Mina) who I heard previously during the first raid. At this point, it would be clear that through the time it took me to walk up to Glass Co, and with 10 minutes having elapsed, that the accuser was the only other person at the property or in its environs at this time.

Upon him crowbarring the main garage door, I visually saw his name which is how I have confirmed that it is him.

As such, it is clear to me that in-fact Kian Wolf (Mina) himself broke Rule 5.3 as with the significant elapse of time, well over 15/20 minutes since the original raid commenced, that this would count as a second raid. As per Rule 5.3, which I shall quote:
Civilians are not allowed to raid, or assist others who are raiding, an occupied property more than 2 times in a 60 minute period, or raid the same property more than once in a 60 minute period.​

While it is not clear to me whether Kian Wolf had died during the original raid which would also enforce a 60-minute time limit on his return, I would strongly argue the following:

1) that the length of time I spent outside of Glass Co upon my return observing the accuser, as well as the property and its environs,

2) the length of time since the original raid had commenced, and my NLR having ended a significant time after returning to the property and re-securing it,

3) as well as all previous information I have mentioned,

…that Kian Wolf himself broke Rule 5.3 as him returning to the property after me killing the accuser, would be classed as a second raid within a 60 minute period which contravenes the Rule. There was no indication that he was inside Glass Co or near its environs at the time upon which I re-entered, that he was still in an appropriate vicinity for him to be classed as still in an on-going situation.
As the accuser had his phone out when I shot him, Kian Wolf used this information given over the phone to conclude that someone had returned and that he should re-raid the property.

In Conclusion
As per all the information I have given which is true and accurate to what can be observed in the demo, it is my view that I did not break any of the Rules cited nor any additional Rules which may not have been cited. I acted fairly and proportionally, and in a manner which reflects the possible actions of any other ordinary player who may have been in a similar situation. I do not believe that it can be expected of any reasonable player to know, when they have not been given any information whatsoever, nor gained any visual or auditory information, that the situation is still on-going and that they should not return.

I will also say that it is my view that Kian Wolf's actions amount to that of a second raid which is in direct contravention of Rule 5.3.

Evidence Link:!AoMhnJRloBfbga5mMIMmpFbu7buiFg?e=hY4GPd

Acerius did indeed break 5.3 by returning to the same raid. In your statement @Acerius you admit to this in your response and in your own action request so you will be receiving a warning for your actions. Because this is the same situation as the action request you made yourself I'll just mention this here as well. The raid in Glass Co was still ongoing but Mina did not break the rules as you stated in your explanation of the situation. However, Mina did die in the raid and then returned to the same raid, the same as you did, and therefore @Mina will also be receiving a warning

Reviewed with @Dank
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