Action Request (mohamed pablo)

Reaction score
Your Steam Name: MalekIsWeird
Your Roleplay Name: Dusty Colt-McGraw
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Player's Steam Name: mohamed pablo
Player's Roleplay Name: mohamed pablo
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:556778222

Why should this player be punished?: Player delayed to surrender gunpoint for a prolonged amount of time breaking rule 3.4 by refusing to comply as soon as possible while under direct gunpoint as he was ordered to surrender by a Secret Service agent. He was told "Put your hands up," at 0:03 with a clear gunpoint that he was aware of and it took him until 0:15 to surrender. Delaying a surrender by 12 seconds for no benefit and endangering his own life. This gunpoint happened right after he had walked up to me and the Mayor then pulled a Makarov he was illegally transporting to show in front of a Government employee which is also 3.4 because he committed a crime in front of a government employee ON PURPOSE for no benefit. Then made threats to me, The SS, which led to his gunpoint.

Evidence Link:

@mohamed pablo Can you please explain your actions? You have 24 hours.

Thank you first and foremost for taking this AR, I wish to add to the allegations against this player because I forgot to include further information regarding additional rulebreaks carried out by him in the same incident.

I believe this player failed to follow /me and thus did unrealistic actions by failing to respect the /me, Then finally the player spoke OOC-ly saying "You can't do that you fucking retard" when I wrote to him in LOOC "i did a /me" after trying to remain in character by simply asking "How are you moving around? you're cuffed to the table."

I cuffed the player here:

Then the player decided to be disrespectful when speaking in LOOC using voice chat, Did an unrealistic action by failing to respect the /me and did not abide by the /me as shown here:

i didnt see the /me as i was set on having a go on you for abusing your powers as ss and not doing your job properly i don't just watch chat like a hawk lmao i was focusing on what was happening infront of me it is clear that you are angry about the fact i got let go and your trying to cause me problems because of that
i didnt see the /me as i was set on having a go on you for abusing your powers as ss and not doing your job properly i don't just watch chat like a hawk lmao i was focusing on what was happening infront of me it is clear that you are angry about the fact i got let go and your trying to cause me problems because of that
Megapaw has given you 24 hours to explain your actions, I would try to explain all parts of the action request before he decides if there was a rule break.
Your Steam Name: MalekIsWeird
Your Roleplay Name: Dusty Colt-McGraw
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Player's Steam Name: mohamed pablo
Player's Roleplay Name: mohamed pablo
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:556778222

Why should this player be punished?: Player delayed to surrender gunpoint for a prolonged amount of time breaking rule 3.4 by refusing to comply as soon as possible while under direct gunpoint as he was ordered to surrender by a Secret Service agent. He was told "Put your hands up," at 0:03 with a clear gunpoint that he was aware of and it took him until 0:15 to surrender. Delaying a surrender by 12 seconds for no benefit and endangering his own life. This gunpoint happened right after he had walked up to me and the Mayor then pulled a Makarov he was illegally transporting to show in front of a Government employee which is also 3.4 because he committed a crime in front of a government employee ON PURPOSE for no benefit. Then made threats to me, The SS, which led to his gunpoint.

Evidence Link:

didn't think you where being serious as me and the mayor are friends and i was joking with him and the reason as to why i had the pistol on me was because we where stood right in front of my Baz shop where i sell guns and i was about to sell it but seen Niki and went to talk to him you have obviously cut the clip down cutting out the part where Niki said i was joking and to stop so i want a demo request so mega can watch the whole situation instead of your twisted version of what happened and speaking of you doing your job the mayor about 30 seconds or so after this was nowhere to be seen and you where to concerned with me instead of actually doing your job the next time you seen the mayor was about 5 mins later when he came and vouched for me to the pd and said i didn't do anything wrong.
Megapaw has given you 24 hours to explain your actions, I would try to explain all parts of the action request before he decides if there was a rule break.
the ss was on a huge power trip and i was trying to get the situation sorted out and i didn't see his /me simple as that you cant punish me for not seeing something plus instead of the small snippets of clips that he has put forwards please could you review the full demo to see what happened because its missing a lot of context and its obvious that this guys salty it didn't pan out the way he wanted it to in the end.
also in the clip where he cuffs me to the table there was a lot going on in the chat people rolling talking and yelling hence i wasn't paying attention to it because of how much was going on he also says cuffs to table and gives no verbal sign that he has done it and continues not to after in the next clip you can see the message hade gone away so i couldn't have known he said anything anyway
Yes, please keep blatantly lying to the face of staff while disrespecting and slandering me more in an OOC setting, It's really funny when you genuinely think anyone's stupid enough to believe you.

Especially when you say things like "I had no idea you cuffed me to the table." then hard empirical evidence like the following clearly show otherwise:

Or when you pull a gun on me and say "I would smoke him" which is a direct threat to my life here:

I hope after this, you reflect on how much projecting you do because as you wrote those messages I truly wonder how you never thought for a second that when you accused me of "giving a twisted version," that your blatant lying wasn't exactly that. You clearly lack accountability, even when faced with undeniable proof. I only hope this helps you grow up and open your eyes to the fact that actions have consequences.
so i’m blatantly lying you can tell the 2 clips are quite spread apart the first one i didn’t realise you did the /me and in the 2nd one you say your cuffed to the table type in looc the word / me than walk away like bro what and your telling me to grow up but your writing while ass paragraphs about someone not seeing a little message in the bottom left of there screen on a video game
like bro just beacuse you have a clip of you typing the / me dosent mean i seen it and then the other clip you say you are tied to the table verbally write in looc/me than walk away

The user will be punished for 3.4 - Putting their life at risk.

The user shouldn't have stalled the situation and should have complied instantly, even if they thought your gunpoint was excessive. The user will be given a 2-week ban for their actions due to their 3.4 history

As for them complying with the /me commands, I will give them the benefit of the doubt for not seeing the action.