Action Request (Moloch The Unblinking + whatsdis)

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Reaction score
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Your Steam Name: Creepis
Your Roleplay Name: Rime Tanioki
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34016459

Player's Steam Name: Moloch The Unblinking + whatsdis
Player's Roleplay Name: Moloch The Unblinking=Vittorio Coeletta | whatsdis=Derrick Holmes
Player's SteamID: Moloch The Unblinking=STEAM_0:0:29912984 | whatsdis=STEAM_0:1:721171127

Why should this player be punished?: 3.4 - Both players opened fire on northnortheast for seemingly no reason other than an act of revenge for Vittorio Coelette Derrick Homes. He was jailed by us previously for 3 Years for driving on the wrong side of the highway and illegal transportation of a Sawed Off.

Evidence Link:
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Vitorrio was never arrested for anything like that he’s lying you can even see it in logs.
2. I told you, I would be catching you lacking after I have had repeated run ins with you and you being corrupt lying to other officers in our run ins, I already have made an inter affairs complaint about this with bodycam footage, we saw you on the streets doing nothing for your job but sitting around in your car, we attempted to take you hostage, when you see us on the other side of the police car with Millard over there we went in whisper mode and said hands up, you just pulled a gun on us so we started shooting and the other officers started shooting along.
In the clip you can hear him go “woah woah woah woah” in reaction to us saying hands up and to our gun
Vitorrio was never arrested for anything like that he’s lying you can even see it in logs.
You're right, it was you who turned himself in for for whatever reason and got jailed but that's not entirely the point of this AR. Both of you commited a crime with nothing to gain from it as we weren't involved in whatever story you wrote up.

I told you, I would be catching you lacking after I have had repeated run ins with you and you being corrupt lying to other officers in our run ins,
This is literally our first encounter and the 2nd one was at suburbs storage.
I already have made an inter affairs complaint about this with bodycam footage, we saw you on the streets doing nothing for your job but sitting around in your car,
Cool, wasn't us. I've been driving with northnortheast for about 30 minutes as this was a supervised patrol.
we attempted to take you hostage, when you see us on the other side of the police car with Millard over there we went in whisper mode and said hands up, you just pulled a gun on us so we started shooting and the other officers started shooting along.
Why would you even take us hostage to begin with?..I don't understand what you could even gain from doing this, you got us completely mixed up and all we did was arrest you for the mentioned crimes above. You got yourselves killed and lost your weapons in the process.
In the clip you can hear him go “woah woah woah woah” in reaction to us saying hands up and to our gun
Not relevant to anything. If you believe we broke the rules make an action request.
I will be locking this thread to save the arguments between you! It will be re-opened when the handling staff member(s) deals with it.

Moloch has received a warning for their actions, while whatdis has received a short ban due to a recent warning depicting a similar situation and their behavior in this thread.
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