Action Request (N/A)

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Your Steam Name: dquinn
Your Roleplay Name: Damon Quinn
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:45273282

Player's Steam Name: N/A
Player's Roleplay Name: Reggie Packers
Player's SteamID: N/A

Why should this player be punished?: I met this player, and during the mugging he pulled out a knife and decided to stab me to death. He did this all while under gunpoint, and disregarding his characters life - along with using a melee versus a firearm, led to his prompt death. A fully loaded S&W 5000 was lost during this rule break

Evidence Link:
Thank you, I see that he's a new player and would personally prefer he doesn't get too harsh of a punishment. Perhaps just made aware of what the rules are. I made this report looking to potentially get a refund more than punish the fella
I am not going to deny the use of a knife to a gun but i had a lot of stuff on me. Which i would consider it a life savings at this time. So i chose to take my chances and fight for what i earned because i was not willing to lose it. Also in a real life scenario if you tried to rob someone of everything they had they would fight back if they believed they had a chance. I can understand the knife to a gun scenario when there is a great distance that needs to be traveled but we were close enough i believed i could get away with killing you without dying since we are so close and i did.
I am not going to deny the use of a knife to a gun but i had a lot of stuff on me. Which i would consider it a life savings at this time. So i chose to take my chances and fight for what i earned because i was not willing to lose it. Also in a real life scenario if you tried to rob someone of everything they had they would fight back if they believed they had a chance. I can understand the knife to a gun scenario when there is a great distance that needs to be traveled but we were close enough i believed i could get away with killing you without dying since we are so close and i did.
You should think of your characters life as your own. In real life, you likely wouldn't try to stab someone who is mugging you with a gun, in order to not lose a knife. I don't advocate for too harsh of a punishment, but it should be kept in mind that this is a serious RP server.

@speedyclaxter Regardless of it being “Realistic” It’s disallowed and the rule 3”4 putting your life at risk lists your situation specifically so it’s inexcusable really. If we are going down the avenue of realism then the shot that hit you would have killed you thus proving you put your life at unnecessary risk to save material possessions you put over your own life. Your “life saving” inventory would be no use to you anyways if you were dead.

Speedyclaxter will receive a warning however as he is a new player i will not be giving his at the time inventory to @dquinn and my personal advice to get compliance more from people is you should pick a more experienced player to mug in future.

@speedyclaxter Regardless of it being “Realistic” It’s disallowed and the rule 3”4 putting your life at risk lists your situation specifically so it’s inexcusable really. If we are going down the avenue of realism then the shot that hit you would have killed you thus proving you put your life at unnecessary risk to save material possessions you put over your own life. Your “life saving” inventory would be no use to you anyways if you were dead.

Speedyclaxter will receive a warning however as he is a new player i will not be giving his at the time inventory to @dquinn and my personal advice to get compliance more from people is you should pick a more experienced player to mug in future.
Tyvm. Is it possible to post a refund for the S&W 500? No problem if not, thanks again
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