Action Request (Off da woodz)

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Reaction score
Grove Street

Your Steam Name: Evchil
Your Roleplay Name: Tomek Piotrowski
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100758197

Player's Steam Name: Off da woodz
Player's Roleplay Name: Vaun Kingston
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:40937789

Why should this player be punished?: Broke 3.4 He was standing and talking to the drug dealer npc while we tried to mug him. Player had a gun in his hand ( not pointed at us ) While we both were telling him to put his hands up and were pointing the gun at him. The police showed up and this led to me and my friend getting killed.

Evidence Link:


Everyone in the clip had broken 3.4, the muggers as they attempted to mug someone with a gun out, the person being mugged as instead of pulling up their firearm into aggressive stance and attempting to defend themselves attempted to argue with them due to him having his firearm out already, putting his life at significant risk.

@Metra you will be issued a warning for 3.4 - User attempted to mug someone with their gun out, putting their life at significant risk for little to no reason.
@maeen you will be issued a 3-day ban, you are an experienced player and should know better: 3.4 - User attempted to mug someone with their gun out, putting their life at significant risk for little to no reason.
@Off da woodz you will be issued a warning for 3.4 - User upon being gun-pointed by two individuals trying to mug him with his gun out, instead of attempting to fight back tried to argue with them that he already had his gun out & therefore did not have to comply, kept stalling instead of defending his own life.

Reviewed with @Locksmith
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