Action Request on InfectedYoU, Redbully14 (Possibly) and [PH] PølsehornEater

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Your Steam/In-game Name: MatStar/Matt Arjama @MatStar

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: InfectedYoU™/Derome Hussain @InfectedYoU™ (MUGGER) [PH] PølsehornEater / Martino Nostra. (SWAT) And suggested by @Shaun; Olivier Green/ @Redbully14 (SGT)

His/Her SteamID:
STEAM_0:0:38772662 (MUGGER)
STEAM_0:1:75386219 (SWAT)
STEAM_0:0:46957560 (SGT)

Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was being mugged in my apartment when I got cops on my door. He told me to say to the officers that everything was alright. Player managed to magically see a wink with my back facing him. User then shot which ended up in chaos and a police raid on my apartment.

If he didn't metagame as he did it would end up in less casualties and a cleaner situation. What could have possibly happened and what @TheFrozenMonkeyKing had in mind was to ask both of us to step out of the apartment then he would cuff the man and it would all just be a cleaner situation.

S.W.A.T raided my apartment after the guy was killed with out a search warrant going aggressively into the rooms even though I said that there was only one guy, I even made a 911 text based call about how he looks and what he was carrying. The rest of the raid on the property was unlawful. As @Samuel Sheppard has told me "There was no reason to enter the rest of the property as you, the owner, verified that there was not any more suspects. They broke law 1.5 destruction of private property as they used C2s to enter the rest of the rooms instead of using battering rams. There was neither no warrant placed which makes it an unlawful search." Samuel responded with the info I gave him.

Even though the raid wouldn't have happened if the guy didn't metagame, it's still the sergeant's responsibility to take care of his crew, and tell them that it was code 4 and no need to search any further. This was completely ignored.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Mugger magically manages to see a wink when my back was facing him
S.W.A.T breaching the door with C2
Tick: 40 000
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+Support as I can confirm that all of this happened. Now, by killing me, with 2 other officers outside, he risked his life, as he was alone with nothing suited for a shootout, but a single handgun. His reasoning for opening fire was probably knowing that his cover was blown, but he had no way of knowing, as he couldn't see the wink.

Now, for the SWAT I must say that what he did was not valid. The suspect was down, and there was no need to proceed. This happened to me too, and that was confirmed as invalid.
What I saw was the man clearly misunderstanding your /me, also I did not see anything else what could have warned the Lt. A wink is nothing special maybe you knew him. What the SWAT did was also a fail as they did not have permission to enter property but still blew your doors out.
Yeah I know, I have got that feeling to being raided because i got mugged because the cop didin't trust me, but I got permission to breach in so I can't see there is an AR on me?..

There was given info that I have to breach in the APT. But i'm truly sorry what happened because when i came to the scene the LT was dead and i got order to breach in... I'm really sorry
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FIRSTLY, you can't be reporting 2 players on 1 post - well, not in this case. it's 2 separate issues.

I was able to see the officer's face. One of which was suspicious, and I saw him go to use his radio rather than ask if there was anything else he could help with and see we were fine - regardless, you were acting weird who answers a door in the way you did nervous or not I believe there was just cause to try and escape.

Anyways the +support is for breaking the following rules:
2.1 Saw the "wink" from behind him.. Which he can't either.
3.4 Shot a cop whilst the cop had no idea what was happending, resulting in him getting killed and the victim being raided
And possibly more.

Also for the s.w.a.t for randomly raiding the apartnemtn as they were told by the victim there where no other suspects inside.
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First situation:

The mugger (Derome Hussain) allows the victim (Matt Arjama) to go open the door and talk with the police in order to say everything is fine. Matt goes out to do so, and near the end, he winks towards the officer, with Derome facing his back. Before the police officer can even finish doing his /me of nodding in return, Derome raises his weapon and fires. Immediately, this is breaking rule 2.1 - There was no possible way for Derome to notice the wink. Meanwhile, rule 3.4 was also broken, as despite it being able to go without trouble (if you ignore the wink, since Derome wouldn't know), he now risks his life greatly, considering police will now try to arrest him, and will use force.

Second situation:

Police managed to take out Derome. At this point, Matt has most likely already said he was being mugged by him and everything, and explained that there was only one suspect. At this point, police have no reason to go any further, as the only person they know has broken the law is currently dying on the ground. They had no reason to search because:
1. The owner of the apartment was a victim being robbed.
2. There are no other suspects inside the apartment.
3. There were no other emergencies that required them to do so. No one dying, and the situation with gunshots fired/life alert going off has already been solved.
As to quote the law exactly:
Without a Search Warrant - LEOs may only enter Private Property and/or cross Private land (to gain a strategic position, for example) under certain circumstances; these circumstances include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: to respond to an emergency services call, to respond to the hearing of gunfire, to respond to the witnessing of a crime/illegal activity, to respond to a person in-need, etc.
Any and all situations that required them to enter the property had already been solved, thereby there was no reason to enter the property, except to remove the body from the premises - which a paramedic could easily do by himself. Thereby, the SWAT (and possibly the other officers, too) have broken law 11.5 - Right to enter private property, and also breaking law 1.5 - Vandalism and Destruction of Property, thereby breaking server rule 4.1 - Follow the law twice.

He clearly metagamed in the situation and he could never have seen your wink.

I will also be making an AR against Derome Hussain later today for putting weapons in storage during a police chase and then lying during an admin sit.
You're basing this entire thread on the assumption that I shot him because I 'saw' the wink. This is incorrect. I saw the officer act strange and shortly after this his mouth began to move. Weather he was whispering to the victim or not I wouldn't know without a demo

(On phone comments aren't working)
Edit: Allow me to get onto my pc, if I recall I saw the officers lips moving, but he was not saying anything out loud- after recently doing so quite clearly for the entire building to hear: there was no reason for him to be talking quietly when the situation was supposed to be under control.

I don't believe I've broken 3.4 in this situation- from the minute I saw the police sirens outside I began calling for help from friends and thus was expecting them to be a bit quicker.
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It started with there was a panic in slums. When I came there the LT was layin dead on the ground. I got the permission to breach in the slums to look if there was more inside there..
Couldn't this all be avoided if you just slowly backed out of the apartment? You clearly were in safety if you just slowly and unnoticed walked out while he was still inside not looking at you.

Niko has stated everything I were going to say. +Support.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't have fucking heat vision. So the idea of him seeing you wink without seeing your face have chances of 0.0000000000001%. This is basically the same of when I mouthed to the lieutenant that I was getting raided and people are attempting to mug me in my house. They were out of sight.

Derome, will receive a 5 day ban for breaking 3.4 and 2.1/ Metagaming. Realisticly he would not have seen that wink as your back was facing him the only way he saw was because he saw the /me in the chat box.

The SWAT will receive a warning for 4.1 as he directly broke the law thus breaking 4.1. I noticed that the SWAT said "No drugs" however they shouldn't be searching for drugs they should be attempting to revive the dying suspect and ensure that you, the victim is okay.

However, the sergeant's punishment, if any, will need to be discussed between myself and other members within the police force purely for the fact that technically he did not break any rules however, he shouldn't have let the SWAT breach and raid your apartment as they are in his command.
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