Action Request - Raider

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Reaction score
United States of America
Your Steam/In-game Name: Blackdown / Ethan Limsley

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:

His/Her SteamID:
(Not sure on which "Skoodge" is the one that was here but I found this one most related STEAM_0:0:40411249)

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
The user most likely involved in this situation ( Skoodge ) attempted to raid myself and since I was producing guns at the time, I was able to quickly arm myself in order to defend myself in the event that he successfully broke into my property. He eventually did enter my property with force at which point I already had him gunpointed and was able to quickly neutralize the threat he presented. After this, I dragged both the body of the suspect, and the evidence (One Bobby Pin and what I believe to be a Desert Eagle) into my property. I moved the gun to a safe room to prevent anyone just walking in and seeing it, then taking it, so it was out of view. After this I asked the man outside my property who was also in the apartment building himself who had come down after he had heard the situation go down, "Can you drive me to the hospital I am gravely injured." At which point he moved down towards his vehicle. I specifically asked him to drive me because I did not want him attempt to raid me while I was gone, even though previously, we had spoken and had become friends. I then further locked my door in order to prevent anything further, just in case. I drove down to the hospital, had myself healed, and drove back to my apartment. I approached the door, it was still closed, and locked, indicating that no one had entered or exited in the time I was gone. ( No one was on that was on my buddies list, I also keep that minimal. ) I, before making any accusations against anyone, would like to dive further into this situation with an Administrative member and figure out what has happened. I solely would like to get the items I lost back as I believe he DC'ed after I had killed him, before he respawned, as I was only gone getting medical attention for a minimal time of two minutes. I want to first figure out if he lost connection, crashed, intentionally DC'ed, or anything like that before we go any further with this.

Evidence (Demo Required):

This was around 20 or so minutes before the server restart on the morning of April 19th, 2016 (European time) and was 20 minutes before the server restart on the night of April 18th, 2016 (On the West Coast of the United States)
Seems like he was disconnecting after being killed. I believe that he most likely didn't know that all items he dropped will disappear when he disconnects or just forgot that he dropped his weapon. Yet he still broke 6.5 but without him knowing it and most likely breaking it with no intention to break any rules.

User will receive a warning for his/her actions breaking 6.5. Although user did wait 2 minutes before disconneting, user did not make sure his/her items were dealt with.
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