Action Request on ItsAquaa | CSGOWILD.COM

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] [Helper] Prepper / Takeo Nakazaki

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ItsAquaa | CSGOWILD.COM / Dylan Larsen

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61029503

Why Should This Player Be Punished?:
I got shot without any prior interaction or instructions (Rule 2.5 Excessive Negativity):

I was minding my own business within Regals Apartment #4 with @Shaun and @[PH]R4ndomDude. I was curious to find out what Shaun needed my bookshelf for so I went to the POV of eventual raiders/intruders (the door). Shaun then told me to try to go outside and look back inside of the apartment. I opened the door and I instantly got shot down by @ItsAquaaHD. I was completely ignorant about their presence and I didn't pose any direct threat towards them. We didn't have any previous disputes/conflicts so his actions can't be justified as revenge etc.


I'll just tell this in my POV (The guy in the purple suit inside the apt.):
There were no warnings. I Suddenly just heard a bunch of gunshots, and when Prepper was already dead, they told us to get on the ground. Prepper did NOT get any warnings, and we did NOW know, that they were outside the door. This resulted us to lose a man, that could possibly has been the key, to our success in the defend. (We lost the raid)

+Support. Video shows that no warnigns were given.
I just want to point out that as soon as you opened the door you were shot down. Now correct me if I'm wrong but to tell that you have a weapon on your back will take more than a second. And if the reason was we were "yakuza" I have no idea how you would have known that. And being an Asian with a black suit does not mean we are affiliated with yakuza.
He is fully allowed to kill you like that. He was raiding you, he didn't know if you were armed or ready for him, so unless he had you under gunpoint and shot you he didn't break any rules.
Edit on phone for Shaun: You mentioned yourself that as soon as he opened the door he got shot down, as a raid that is very much allowed to my knowledge.
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Let's break this down.

1) You did indeed have a weapon on your back and you were clearly visibly armed.
2) They were raiding, look in the video there is a guy on the little fence thing trying to bobby pin your door.

He could of gun pointed you, but realistically killing you wasn't an invalid option - I've done it plenty of times and still would. It was a raid, you opened the door at the wrong time this is all that the matter is. Plus if it was so bad I would of thought Shaun would of dealt with it there and then.
Let's break this down a bit further.

Prepper opened a door, and was immediately met by the person sitting on the railing (yay realism much), whom was probably bobby pinning the door. Then, Dylan, without taking any time to see whether Prepper is a threat or not, immediately began to fire. The issue is that Dylan does not know whether Prepper is a threat, and therefore should not have fired at all. Not to mention, it was completely unnecessary, as he could easily have held Prepper under gunpoint and given him orders from the position they were both in.

A long time ago, I had a discussion with several staff members during a situation, not sure if Bolli participated or not. Either way, during that discussion, it was mentioned that "if someone is visibly armed, you may shoot and kill them, as they pose a threat to your life" when raiding. But like previously mentioned, Dylan took no time to assess whether Prepper was an actual threat or not. In that case, it would be considered the same as shooting a guy you're raiding, whom happens to be carrying a holstered pistol. You have not yet seen the weapon, but still killed him, and would be punished by 2.5.
Let's break this down a bit further.

Prepper opened a door, and was immediately met by the person sitting on the railing (yay realism much), whom was probably bobby pinning the door. Then, Dylan, without taking any time to see whether Prepper is a threat or not, immediately began to fire. The issue is that Dylan does not know whether Prepper is a threat, and therefore should not have fired at all. Not to mention, it was completely unnecessary, as he could easily have held Prepper under gunpoint and given him orders from the position they were both in.

A long time ago, I had a discussion with several staff members during a situation, not sure if Bolli participated or not. Either way, during that discussion, it was mentioned that "if someone is visibly armed, you may shoot and kill them, as they pose a threat to your life" when raiding. But like previously mentioned, Dylan took no time to assess whether Prepper was an actual threat or not. In that case, it would be considered the same as shooting a guy you're raiding, whom happens to be carrying a holstered pistol. You have not yet seen the weapon, but still killed him, and would be punished by 2.5.

The way I see it is, if he'd of stopped to gun point Prepper then it would of gave other civilians inside of the apartment more time to react and could of possibly ended up in Aqua dying.

When the door is opens it is 3-4 seconds before Prepper dies. IMO there was enough time for Aqua to see and react to the firearm on his back.

Nobody can really say if he saw the weapon or not because only he knows. I believe that Aqua did what was best and more than likely successfully raided and got out without harm.
To give you some awareness, if Dylan weren't to kill him, he could had moved 1 step left and out of gunpoint which is completely valid considering the distance between them, and other then that he was allowed to kill him raid wise, it's not like he mugged him or anything.
I got a warning for this from Devils son because he loves me so he doesn't ban me. Killed Garo and his friends with a MAC-11 at projex. They all had weapons but were not showing any threat. Love u Devils <3
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The thing is, i think he would have killed him anyway, there was about 1 second between he starting shooting and him dropping dead. So basically, he didn't care if he was armed or not.

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

That is also a thing, what if he were unarmed, and posed no threat what so ever, (in this sit he did, because of the AK) but that would be really easy to just Gunpoint him or whatever, next time if you get into those kinds of situations, be sure about who you can and how you kill him, otherwise those situations will happen. (Killing people when not really needed, when the situation can be RPed out). Well i don't know yet but this is a + Support.

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Here is my opinion: Aquaa and his friend were trying to raid you without knowing how many people were in there (even though I think they knew you were 3 or more as you all 3 talked while they were just outside your door. With them being only 2, if they killed 1 of you early, they would have the upper hand as it would be too quick for the others to react. Now if they held you under gunpoint, you could have gotten a bit back so you would be under cover and return fire to them. Then it would be 3 vs 2 and they would fail. If you didn't respond quick enough and did not back off, they would tell you to get on the ground, your friends would be alerted and would shoot at them. The only possible situation I see of them winning the raid would be if they held you under gunpoint and tell your friends to drop their weapons or you would die, or what they did. I understand that they didn't do the smartest thing but they didn't expect you to open the door. That's why aquaa panicked and shot you down. They won the raid. If they held you hostage they would either die (and lose the raid) or they would have won and mugged you anyways, so you would have lost the ak-47 and all your stuff. I don't see how it is 2.5.
Well, judging by what I saw in the video, my bet is that both Aquaa and whoever was on the railing saw your AK poking through the door/wall and immediately knew you were armed (probably breaking 2.1), so when you opened the door, they expected you to come out guns blazing, thinking you heard them outside, but instead of course you had the gun on your back, so my take is that they either shot you just for good measure or they panicked as soon as they saw the door opening and fired away. Also, since it was a raid by what I can see, he could shoot you if he wanted as you were clearly with a gun in your possession and that meant a threat. Still, none of them have posted their side of the story yet, so for me it's
How about @ItsAquaaHD posts a demo of his POV? Aparrently I was "clearly visibly armed" according to @Liam which ItsAquaa managed to see and react upon within approx. 1 second by shooting me.

I had the firearm on my back and I have reasons to believe that the only visible weapon-part was the combat knife on the AK-47. The bullets from ItsAquaaHD's AK-47 (7.62) can easily penetrate walls/doors (depending on the material). My point is that I'm fully aware about the fact that the intention with a raid is to inflict both material and (in some cases) physical/mental damage. However, shooting people who don't pose any direct threat towards the raiders can be considered as excessive.

Shooting me in this situation was unnessescary. If I resisted at that moment it would be considered as a violation of server rule 3.4 due to the fact that their actions were superior to mine. They opened fire so quickly that I didn't even have any time to surrender or react upon the situation.
I really hate people who do that, I also hate people with CSGO betting websites in their name, I ooze hatred towards people who have both traits.


Based on the fact that him and the other one said fuck all and assumed that bullets could do their talking for them.

EDIT: I believe both players should be reprimanded and refunds given where necessary, however I believe that Aqua, or what ever his name is, should refund them himself if possible, as he had most certainly profited from the void raid, and, think of it this way, I was on fearless server one time, I was offered 25k to assassinate the president, I knew it was against the rules, but I did it anyway, and bullshitted my way out of getting a large ban, I only got a 1 day ban, but it was worth it, as I got 25K.

Although the punishment should be more severe in this case, he should have the gained items taken away, and refunded.
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Just saying, if you read the Gunpointing guide Dylan could easily run behind his apartment and he was armed so he could of readied himself, he could've locked the door and stopped the raid. I understand no interaction was made but I think he did it to secure the safety of his raid and himself.
Would not like to be in Aquaa's position. Prepper's AR's always been accepted, so let's calculate this out.
Let' say @Prepper made 10 Action Requests.
10 AR's out of 10 AR's has been accepted, means there is a 100 percentage chance that this one will be accepted. Good luck Aquaa, you'll need it :kappa:
Also I do agree, that Aquaa has been breaking 2.5.
Ps.: Call me "Math Expert Lamar". :mrlewis:
Okay so everyone I would just like to point something out here:

Do you see where Aquaa was standing when he shot the first shot? By the stairs. Meaning he would have to look UP at Prepper and therefore the AK would have been very very VERY unclear to see (Also because Prepper was looking down the stairs so the viewing-angle wouldn't have allowed Aquaa to see much more than the top of the bayonet which could just've been something else). This is mostly about that Aquaa would've shot him anyway since that even if he DID see the AK early on, he would've thought the posibilities through in his head. Which I don't believe he did within 1 second. He shot "To be safe" but Prepper didn't pose any direct threat. His friend also stated in a sit with Shaun that he would've tried to take him hostage but at the time he mannaged to actually talk, Prepper was already gunned down.

After talking to Aqua we have came to a conclusion that he did indeed break 2.5 and he will receive a 2 day ban for that.
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