Action Request (Oscar The Shark Slayer)

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Reaction score
United States
Your Steam Name: Master Kief
Your Roleplay Name: Phil Bigglesworth
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:663440341

Player's Steam Name: Oscar The Shark Slayer
Player's Roleplay Name: Goya Beans
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:200267648

Why should this player be punished?: Goya Beans Took part in a failed gunpoint with Tony Goya he dropped the gun & surrender emoted then picked his gun back up chased me down street after failed gun point and shot me dead while running away into the playground trees.

Evidence Link:
here is the video of Tony Goyas & Goya Beans failed gun point attempt they then chased me & killed me because of it.
They never pointed a firearm at me effectively never had me at gun point & never told me to freeze or to put my hands up. they then proceeded to chase me after being goofy and dropping his gun and shot me till I was dead.
I don't like being considered a liar Because I'm not one Period. The date for the demo is in the title of the YouTube video for staff purposes btw :) Hahaha
The original video posted had sound on the situation, can you post the original video without Eminem? @Master Kief
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I'd like to say I'm sorry for the Eminem I had playing in the second upload. I didn't even realize It was playing until you two said something about it. I was just hype working on finding the demo to upload it.
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