Action Request (phoondos)

Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Bunny
Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Weissmuller
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59483846

Player's Steam Name: phoondos
Player's Roleplay Name: Garrett Parsley
Player's SteamID:

Why should this player be punished?: Player pulled out his weapon under gunpoint while being told to put his hands up and surrender.
He responded that: clip is uploading, mouse disconnected. had my mouse not disconnected my gun wouldve been out before he told me to put my hands up phoondos 00:37
The POV is provided by him.
While hearing "hands up" he continued and pulled out his gun. In the video he did not even have the gun highlighted ready for selection.
A few common examples of unreasonable risks includes, according to rule 3.4: <To not comply with reasonable orders given under the direct threat of a lethal weapon pointed at you, such as a mugging.>

Evidence Link:
1. you were pretty hard to hear at first (you were NOT yelling, you were very clearly whispering and it took a bit for me to process at all that you were even in front of me once i did the 180)
2. had my mouse not disconnected, my gun would've been out and you would not have been able to gunpoint me at all. you can clearly hear my mouse disconnect, and I would have pulled my gun out regardless if you were there or not at the exact same time because i had regained control of my mouse.

@Nate already dealt with this anyways, i dont know if youre allowed to keep pursuing an action request or not but just thought i'd @ nate to ask
you also said that my gun wasnt highlighted, which it was. had my mouse been connected during the first highlight, the gun would've been out. i simply rehighlighted it once i knew that my mouse was reconnected (when i do a 180)

Situation was already dealt with in-game by @Nate.
If you disagree with the outcome, you must create staff complaint on him.