Action Request (pro_leqq)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: LoneASF
Your Roleplay Name: Lone Walker
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:518091857

Player's Steam Name: pro_leqq
Player's Roleplay Name: Jamie Dyett
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:550769627

Why should this player be punished?: User Broke 2.5 Excessive Negativity.
User came into the slums appartments and shot me for no justifable reason to do it.
(I will glad to get my sako full attachments back btw)

Evidence Link:
he got any evidence of it? I admitt but it was on whisper.
he asked me if I did and I told him that I didn't do it.
who say that you told him the truth?
he cant do it only because he "think" that I did it
how does he know its the truth????
and he didnt die or anything so nothing happened to him? evidence for him that you told him?
or you didnt get evidence for him
ye he was mugging him and he heard it and i was on ts with him and told him that the guy said it to the police and that the officer is coming up and to watch out
Understood, I will be viewing the demo file when adequate to confirm these alleged acts did occur and announce the final verdict

After viewing the demo requested, @dr.alex was right behind you and heard you while you were snitching to the police officer, @pro_leqq asked them multiple times on the line to confirm if you snitched or not then came to kill you after getting the green light.

Considering you led to more police being present at the scene and nearly got one of them imprisoned when a mugging was subject inside of the apartment, it is more than fair that you were killed. If you want to be a snitch without risking death, you must ensure that no one is around you to eavesdrop.
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