Action Request (Segeco)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: curak
Your Roleplay Name: Peter Sharinglot
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:72214944

Player's Steam Name: Segeco
Player's Roleplay Name: Anna Morales
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80659775

Why should this player be punished?: I'll type out the entire situation as to why i believe the player broke 3.4 - risked their live during a bank raid.
At the start of my clipyou'll see that player making a 911 call from hungriges (this location is important). Half a minute later the first cop died from bank robbers at shopping centre, followed with a lot more shots and kills. including AK's, which are known to be very loud. As you can hear in my clip i've already noticed the shots from far away. So Segeco should've heard this shot as well from his last known location being hungriges. Time to run away you would think? at 05:35 so 11 seconds after the first cop life alert Tyla Jai notifies us he's getting shot from office! I get the swat van and Kay and me decided to scout the area. at 06:20 two individuals including Segeco(claiming not to be involved), see the swat van, he could've easily surrendered showing us he wasn't a threat to our lives. Kay later on notifies me about these two and i peak and for some reason, segeco, is peaking? I shot and killed the person believing him to be a threat to life.

So the reason i believe it's 3.4 is that the user, who claims not to be involved. Ran from a safe location hungriges, towards office, where people were already shooting. He then decided it would be ideal to stay there and not try to get away from the shots. Which later on resulted in him dying. He was also armed btw as these logs will show you.
I believe he had more than enough time to run away from shots that happened about 30 seconds after making a 911 call at hungriges.

timestamps (look at my demoui for this, some of it was fastforwarded so wanted to have timestamps that showed real time intervals.);

04:53 911 call hungriges
05:24 first cop life alert at shopping centre -> shooters everywhere, followed by tons of cops life alerts
05:35 cop taking fire from office
06:20 sees a swat van, why didn't he surrender if not involved?
06:30 kay warns me about two individuals, including Segeco
06:38 user decides to keep walking around crouching, showing no means to surrender, failed to surrender, failed to hide or run away from a shootout.

I hope most of this is clear, if not just ask me any questions and i'll try to reply ASAP

Evidence Link:
Posting on behalf of Segeco (cant get onto forums)

Hello Mr, don't really understand the need to make this AR but i will explain as you can see I'm by the car park with a friend we are unarmed and have nothing to do with this situations yes there's gunshots but I don't know where from? and I'm crouching down trying to keep low and I'm on the phone to the police to report what's happening. Why would you shoot me in the middle of the street when I'm unnamed and I'm on the phone to the police seems a bit unnecessary I don't think I need to explain my actions? a civilian in public on a phone so you shoot him during a bank raid I think you're the one who needs to explain why you felt the need to shoot an unarmed civilian that needs explaining please look at the AR I have posted on you you had no reason to shoot me so I would like to see what action will be taken against you for being excessive and shooting an unarmed civilian you have tfu training and you do this seems dumb to me next time there's a bank raid and you feel like shooting an unarmed person in a car park on the other side of the city maybe approach him and handle it properly next time.
Posting on behalf of Segeco (cant get onto forums)

Hello Mr, don't really understand the need to make this AR but i will explain as you can see I'm by the car park with a friend we are unarmed and have nothing to do with this situations yes there's gunshots but I don't know where from? and I'm crouching down trying to keep low and I'm on the phone to the police to report what's happening. Why would you shoot me in the middle of the street when I'm unnamed and I'm on the phone to the police seems a bit unnecessary I don't think I need to explain my actions? a civilian in public on a phone so you shoot him during a bank raid I think you're the one who needs to explain why you felt the need to shoot an unarmed civilian that needs explaining please look at the AR I have posted on you you had no reason to shoot me so I would like to see what action will be taken against you for being excessive and shooting an unarmed civilian you have tfu training and you do this seems dumb to me next time there's a bank raid and you feel like shooting an unarmed person in a car park on the other side of the city maybe approach him and handle it properly next time.
This reply doesn't really explain why you hung around the city area instead of leaving. I appreciate that you made a 911 call, but you have said yourself that there was audible shooting and still decided to go on some sort of adventure to the other side of the office. Why did you not just run the opposite direction?
where from?
You're standing at office parking lot whilst officers have died at office and at shopping centre. You should open your ears next time, or do you play without sound, as your vid is without sound...
on the phone to the police to report
You're TRYING to call the cops, however no one is answering, you could've easily made a text-based 911 call as seen from my POV you clearly are capable of. If you see the swat van, pulling up next to you why didn't you say anything then. Its clearly cops next to you? But you decided to stay quiet about it. from my POV i don't see who you're trying to call, for all i know you could've been calling your friend relaying information about where the TFU is.
I don't think I need to explain my actions?
This is completly false, you were asked to explain your actions, as seen from my POV you made a text-based 911 call at hungriges about hostages at regals?!?! prankcall maybe idk. However you then decided to run TOWARDS shots, towards office/bank from hungriges. What you could've done was run away towards RC and you would've been safe, herefore breaking 3.4 imo.
I think you're the one who needs to explain why you felt the need to shoot an unarmed civilian
i'm not gonna reply on the accusations made against me, seeing as you already made a revenge AR for 2.5, so i've replied in that one, not gona write down everything two times. So please keep your replies on this AR about why you decided to run around in a shootout, when you clearly were not involved.
and I'm crouching down trying to keep low
you gonna duck the bullets that could possibly come from City Garage, Shopping Center, Office parking lot? You should've stayed hiding, making sure cops received your message of being uninvolved. Then if you knew cops got your message you should always surrender and hide. you made yourself vulnerable by standing it the middle of the street.
This reply doesn't really explain why you hung around the city area instead of leaving. I appreciate that you made a 911 call, but you have said yourself that there was audible shooting and still decided to go on some sort of adventure to the other side of the office. Why did you not just run the opposite direction?
I didn't run away because how was I to know the gun men weren't the other side of the wall I heard the shots from behind me i wasn't involved i just happened to be there i was crouched down away from the shots I was in cover from the shots it made no sense for me to "Run away" i could have easily walked into the line of fire where i was was out of the way and safe from the gunfire I could see the TFU over the side of the building they could see me what i di was perfectly safe as the TFU could have spoken to me and advised me what was happening and told me where to go or not to do as I wasn't entirely sure where the shots were being fired from, Curak had so many options of what do do instead of shooting civilians who didn't pose any threat to them had ther TFU done their job properly and came over and helped us as civilians I didn't need to run anywhere as of yet I just heard the shots and was safe from them.
was crouched down away from the shots I was in cover from the shots
you were in an open area, it's not like you were gonna duck crossfire.
i could have easily walked into the line of fire
you clearly did.
Curak had so many options of what do do instead of shooting civilians who didn't pose any threat to them had ther TFU done their job properly and came over and helped us as civilians I didn't need to run anywhere as of yet I just heard the shots and was safe from them.
I can see you're mainly telling me I didn't act as a TFO should, I highly suggest making an IA then, seeing as this would be a policybreak.
TFU could have spoken to me and advised me what was happening
You're in the open, if i would've walked up to you i would've been shot from shopping centre and city gas station resulting in my death. All you had to do was surrender, stay hidden and make a text-based 911, as no cop was taking your 911 call.
you gonna duck the bullets that could possibly come from City Garage, Shopping Center, Office parking lot? You should've stayed hiding, making sure cops received your message of being uninvolved. Then if you knew cops got your message you should always surrender and hide. you made yourself vulnerable by standing it the middle of the street.
Like I just said there is a massive building in between the shots and me I was safe and would have assumed that you as police I didn't run into danger i was trying to talk to the officers yes i was on the phone I didn't have a gun didn't need to shoot me I didn't know where was safe i was assuming you would do your job as police and help us when you came you could have helped but you killed me doesn't make any sense talking about running away and being safe still no reason to kill us and not help us as civilians which i assumed you would do since its yore job instead of assuming I'm involved in what's happening when I'm clearly not
Like I just said there is a massive building in between the shots and me I was safe and would have assumed that you as police I didn't run into danger i was trying to talk to the officers yes i was on the phone I didn't have a gun didn't need to shoot me I didn't know where was safe i was assuming you would do your job as police and help us when you came you could have helped but you killed me doesn't make any sense talking about running away and being safe still no reason to kill us and not help us as civilians which i assumed you would do since its yore job instead of assuming I'm involved in what's happening when I'm clearly not
why did you go from hungriges towards shots tho. you've submitted a 17second clip however the shootout was going on for way before that. I suggest going into your demofile and recording the entire situation. Starting from where you made the 911 call about the so called HOSTAGES at regals, you madethis call at hungriges, a bit before the shootout started however 2minutes later you turned out to be at office.

You should've been safe if you did everything i mentioned in my reply you quoted.
you were in an open area, it's not like you were gonna duck crossfire.

you clearly did.

I can see you're mainly telling me I didn't act as a TFO should, I highly suggest making an IA then, seeing as this would be a policybreak.

You're in the open, if i would've walked up to you i would've been shot from shopping centre and city gas station resulting in my death. All you had to do was surrender, stay hidden and make a text-based 911, as no cop was taking your 911 call.
You didn't need to walk up to us you walked out into the line of fire to try and see if you could gun me down and you should have got back in you're van and told us where to go as you were there you can see me looking over to the police and am clearly trying to figuire out what to do i didnt endangre myself i was trying to stay safe and wait for the police to help
who's us?
walked out into the line of fire
i checked a bit around the corner, from a location where people at shopping centre couldn't see me unless they had wallhacks on. what's your point exactly? I checked cause Kay warned be about you. I checked and i see you walking towards shots, not surrendering, looking in my general direction whilst on the phone. I believe you should consider your own actions before complaining about my reaction toward it.

EDIT: this will be my last reply to this AR, unless you come up with a new argument instead of quoting the same thing over and over, most of the stuff which is being handled in the AR that has been made on me for 2.5. What you should reply is why you went from hungriges towards office during a bank raid, instead of running away towards RC, your POV can be easily showed by uploading a clip starting fromthe moment you made a text-based 911 call claiming hostages at regals, when you were at hugriges, till the part you die.
who's us?

i checked a bit around the corner, from a location where people at shopping centre couldn't see me unless they had wallhacks on. what's your point exactly? I checked cause Kay warned be about you. I checked and i see you walking towards shots, not surrendering, looking in my general direction whilst on the phone. I believe you should consider your own actions before complaining about my reaction toward it.

EDIT: this will be my last reply to this AR, unless you come up with a new argument instead of quoting the same thing over and over, most of the stuff which is being handled in the AR that has been made on me for 2.5. What you should reply is why you went from hungriges towards office during a bank raid, instead of running away towards RC, your POV can be easily showed by uploading a clip starting fromthe moment you made a text-based 911 call claiming hostages at regals, when you were at hugriges, till the part you

I was no where near bank and I wasn't near the shots either

We will be responding to this action request within this reply.

It's arguable that 2.5 and 3.4 were or weren't broken in areas of this situation, irrespective of that, the one thing we know is that you - @Segeco - made a police report at Hungries Schwein and then decided to continue moving into the city rather than away and back towards Slums. In doing so, you are in the general vicinity of a heavily active crime scene.

We're not sure how or why you got to the other side of the office, in your clip you can clearly see shots being fired at the TFU van as it drove past. It would have been a good idea to do either of the following:
  • Stay put in cover and wait for the police to answer your call.
  • Seeing as you were armed, surrender (to eliminate any possibility of being harmed) and slowly approach the police.
The fact that you were holding a phone and crouching through the line of fire (seeing where the shooters are in @curak's demo) was a large red flag for the officers that drove past you, @curak, in the heat of the moment, could not risk running right into the gunfire to speak to you guys and clearly assumed that you were both part of the situation. This assumption is quite reasonable given that you are not shot at prior and are situated near where one of the shooters was. Yes, you should try and make verbal contact with people before killing them, especially officers. That being said, given the above, we feel that curak's actions were far closer to a violation of policy rather than a violation of our server rules and you will therefore need to continue with the internal affairs process.

Overall, we feel that the way you acted in multiple areas of this situation endangered your life unnecessarily. No further action will be taken here, please just use more common sense when you suspect a shootout is nearby.
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