Action Request (sourvixen)

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Miguel Somma had been coming to my shop and repeatedly complaining about my prices. He had been told to stop and to just go away numerous times. He refused to just go and do his own thing and kept coming back to complain. I have witnesses who were there and saw him coming to the shop to do this. Helga-Mae Mausi, Gabriel Kruger, and Max Good were all there, seeing him keep coming back and forth to harass and say the same things on repeat.

Miguel Somma had been coming to my shop and repeatedly complaining about my prices. He had been told to stop and to just go away numerous times. He refused to just go and do his own thing and kept coming back to complain. I have witnesses who were there and saw him coming to the shop to do this. Helga-Mae Mausi, Gabriel Kruger, and Max Good were all there, seeing him keep coming back and forth to harass and say the same things on repeat.
It wasn't just complaining about prices either, it was a focused point to constantly call her a "stupid bitch" and things along those lines, so it was a targeted effort to be misogynistic.

He was frankly baiting and doing this *constantly* and he got hit with the response he was looking for. He was also minging earlier that same day where he rdmed Grzegorz who made an F6 at the time yet he wasn't punished for it.

This AR is just to be malicious rather than Miguel actually feeling like it was unwarranted.

I don't want to guilt you, but you'd be pretty much helping him in his effort to troll and harass SourVixen if you accept this AR, which would be pretty disappointing.

Players on this game can be pretty pathetic and immediately switch to harassing anyone they hear with a female voice, it's not really fair to expect them to turn the other cheek forever.

Edit: Adding onto this, I want to throw out there that this wasn't something that happened in the span of a couple minutes, he had been coming back and doing it over and over.
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Miguel Somma had been coming to my shop and repeatedly complaining about my prices. He had been told to stop and to just go away numerous times. He refused to just go and do his own thing and kept coming back to complain. I have witnesses who were there and saw him coming to the shop to do this. Helga-Mae Mausi, Gabriel Kruger, and Max Good were all there, seeing him keep coming back and forth to harass and say the same things on repeat.
It wasn't just complaining about prices either, it was a focused point to constantly call her a "stupid bitch" and things along those lines, so it was a targeted effort to be misogynistic.

He was frankly baiting and doing this *constantly* and he got hit with the response he was looking for. He was also minging earlier that same day where he rdmed Grzegorz who made an F6 at the time yet he wasn't punished for it.

This AR is just to be malicious rather than Miguel actually feeling like it was unwarranted.

I don't want to guilt you, but you'd be pretty much helping him in his effort to troll and harass SourVixen if you accept this AR, which would be pretty disappointing.

Players on this game can be pretty pathetic and immediately switch to harassing anyone they hear with a female voice, it's not really fair to expect them to turn the other cheek forever.

Edit: Adding onto this, I want to throw out there that this wasn't something that happened in the span of a couple minutes, he had been coming back and doing it over and over.

Could you two provide your demos of the alleged harassment?

@Krownz do you have anything to say to this?
Yep I can, will take me some time.
Since if I am lead to believe that this is a long-standing problem the user allegedly caused the entire demo would suffice, rather than having you go through the effort to clip and upload what was seemingly a long-standing issue.
@A1L will be contacted about it. If he’s fine with it sure.
I'm still gonna go ahead and try and get specific clips for you from the demos, as they update hourly so there's about 4 demos that I wouldn't really expect you to watch in their entirety lol.
I cant watch and clip my demos as i don't know how and my laptop i don't think can even do so with the length they are
You'd just play the demo via gmod and clip the moments when they happen with medal the same way you would ingame.

@Bnjemann After looking through my demos I think it's best if Maddie just sends you hers like you originally said so you can see when that stuff happens yourself, it's not something I can really clip as the moments are a bit fragmented and not very close together.
I agree with
It wasn't just complaining about prices either, it was a focused point to constantly call her a "stupid bitch" and things along those lines, so it was a targeted effort to be misogynistic.

He was frankly baiting and doing this *constantly* and he got hit with the response he was looking for. He was also minging earlier that same day where he rdmed Grzegorz who made an F6 at the time yet he wasn't punished for it.

This AR is just to be malicious rather than Miguel actually feeling like it was unwarranted.

I don't want to guilt you, but you'd be pretty much helping him in his effort to troll and harass SourVixen if you accept this AR, which would be pretty disappointing.

Players on this game can be pretty pathetic and immediately switch to harassing anyone they hear with a female voice, it's not really fair to expect them to turn the other cheek forever.

Edit: Adding onto this, I want to throw out there that this wasn't something that happened in the span of a couple minutes, he had been coming back and doing it over and over.
( partially involved so il keep my comment brief) Agree with everything said here.

I was around for another incident where he was shot in the same location, also causing problems again at the vault corp store regarding prices, targeting maddi and gabriel both having to deal with him in what seemed to be multiple lives. i was not there for this incident, but he was returning in multiple lives to engage with the same people he had prior issues with, returning with the same old life issues and info everytime, one of the occations he stated " what you going to do about it " hes wither baiting to be killed for a report or hes just being obnoxious in my opinion but some demo checks should fix everything :)
@Krownz I have requested perpheads_demo_2025-2-23 20-30-24.dem from you, accept the prompt next time you're in game.
i just got home from work i aint expect this much to happen i aint even worried about this no more yall do what yall need to do.
You can't just make a issue with something then decide it isn't a issue just cause the outcome you wanted didn't happen immediately .
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