Action Request Speedy

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Hayden
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Speedy
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:26840720
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 - User shot me while I was AFK siting in my car. I had no weapon on me and he decided to kill me which also resulted in my car getting damaged.
Evidence (Demo Required):

I am killed at the 2 minute mark.

Prior to the clip starting, I had already been AFK for a couple of minutes. Also, my head is only moving around in the demo because I enabled drive.

I can upload the demo if needed but I feel the clip covers it all well enough *

: See above *
told you to get out the car you not complied with my orders undergp so I shot the fuck out of you next time don't go afk in on going rp situations or get involved in them read the rule 3.16 buddy:)
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I turned up to the farm just to compare my car to the other ferraris. Prior to your arrival the event hadn't actually started and no proper RP had properly began at that point, and that's why I went AFK for a few minutes. I just think you could have handled it a bit better instead of killing me. Like I said in the AR, I had already been AFK before you arrived. Even if I was to get back I would have complied as you already had me at gunpoint. It's probably best in the future that you just make a report to ensure that I'm aware that I was at gunpoint just in case you run off to any of the other cars and I wasn't at current gunpoint, this would mean you don't have to damage my car and kill me. Also, why did you start shooting and gunpointing people in the first place? I wasn't actually properly able to find out what led up to my death.
Read the rules and what rp is also as soon as code monkey start shooting I run to my car to get the ak from my trunk to defend him, you sitting in your car is possible threat as you can jump out behind cover any time shot my friend from behind. I dont know you are afk as from my long criminal exp and 10000 mugs I been done most of the people pretend to be afk like you when they getting gunpointed unarmed not responding to not lose items.
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@Speedy - When players are obviously AFK inside their car, don't shoot them just because you want to mug them.

You shouldn't ruin Passive RP events in general.
You won't receive a punishment.

Reviewed with @flugs
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