Action Request (The Peak)

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Your Steam Name: DemonZ
Your Roleplay Name: Cameron Bleed
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:528275255

Player's Steam Name: The Peak
Player's Roleplay Name: Kieran Doakes
Player's SteamID: STEAM_1:0:781557729

Why should this player be punished?: I was at slums due to a shootout as a cop, came there - shot and killed the last suspect alive, after clearing the location ems came and revived the suspect, i found kierans body in front of slums 4 - meaning he died in that situation and he shouldnt be watching slums.
As i was coming back to pd with my suspect, the suspect screamed 10 to kieran, about 4 min later, kieran raided PD, resulting in many peoples deaths, due to the break of NLR
Also if someone says that "i shouldnt have came back to pd" cuz of NLR zone, u can go back there to arrest suspects, cuz theres no other thing u can do.

Evidence Link:
- kierans body
crunchie said he was 10 so the pd raid was vaild and i wasnt breaking NLR i respawned walked across the crosswalk and saw someone getting dragged. i wasnt just sitting there for mins waiting for him
crunchie said he was 10 so the pd raid was vaild and i wasnt breaking NLR i respawned walked across the crosswalk and saw someone getting dragged. i wasnt just sitting there for mins waiting for him
as soon as i got out of slums, u were already sitting at pd, looking towards slums mate
as soon as i got out of slums, u were already sitting at pd, looking towards slums mate
as I have just said I spawned at city hall walked over the crosswalk and saw someone getting dragged up shady street. You're acting like I was just sitting there for about 1 minute waiting for you and also crunchie said he was 10 so the pd raid was valid even if I broke NLR (which i don't think i did)
as I have just said I spawned at city hall walked over the crosswalk and saw someone getting dragged up shady street. You're acting like I was just sitting there for about 1 minute waiting for you and also crunchie said he was 10 so the pd raid was valid even if I broke NLR (which i don't think i did)
"about 1 minute" thats exactly how long u sat there, at 1:20 of a different clip i have, u were ALREADY at pd, jumping around the yellow things, at 2:04 of the clip, u started talking with the suspect, thats 44 seconds total of what i know u sat there, which is longer than u should be looking at slums, theres no reason for u to be sitting there spectating a situation u died in
as i just said i saw him getting dragged up shady street as i was walking over the crosswalk... even if i have broken NLR the PD raid was still valid

Rule of thumb for NLR is you should not be able to see where you died, standing on top of shady street when you died at slums obviously goes against this.

User will receive a warning.
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