Action Request (TheBluntRoller25/Chaddy Chadderson)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: 213
Your Roleplay Name: Christina Jones
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19662238

Player's Steam Name: TheBluntRoller25/Chaddy Chadderson/XerdDATurd
Player's Roleplay Name: James Schrader/Chaddy Chadderson
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:700558081/STEAM_0:0:661605177

Why should this player be punished?:
Incident #1
Players died during a raid at Regals. As soon as the players spawned, they shot and killed me from spawn as I was heading out to pick up a package. Idk how they managed to get guns so quickly.

Incident #2
Players came back again and molotov'd both entrances to my property killing me and James Browson/destroyed my props.

Incident #3
Shot at my vehicle for no reason in front of cops leading to their death.

Incident #4
Molotov'd me for no reason killing me in front of PD. Also keeps calling me the N word in chat.
Items Lost:

1 AK47+Mag, 4 thin concrete barriers, 2 large wooden fences

[Please demo request both of these players as they are suspicious of metagaming via third party communications/possible cheats]

Evidence Link:

Incident #1
Them dying during a raid:

Them breaking NLR/RDMing me as soon as they spawned:

Incident #2
Them coming back again and Molotving my APT for no reason killing me and James Browson/Destroying my props:

Incident #3
Shooting at my vehicle in front of cops for no reason:

Incident #4
Molotoving me for no reason:

These guys have no intention to RP and just keep RDMing/Trolling. More incidents to come.....
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I was an officer who was responding to the shooting at Regals. I have video that shows that there was 0 communication as they were separated from each other and his one friend im assuming to be James as I had Chaddy in custody had no idea why I was detaining his friend before he randomly started shooting me and another officer. James claimed his friend told him which I have a screenshot of the chat but he tries to skate around it by claiming utter garbage which I will show in my video and screenshot of the log. He claims that his friend told him that I was cuffing him for muder. How would he know that because he was to far away for voice chat in game and as shown in the video Chaddy did not speak a single word. I didn't want to make a new AR since most of the information has been covered here. I just wanted to provide my side of things


Another thing to add on. We arrested James for 11.4 Trespass when his friend came up somehow knowing about this and used a firebomb on us then James killed himself in the fire

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Hello, I was in the base with 213 and also upon respawning and being in NLR. They proceeded to kill me for no reason outside of the Police dept.

Chaddy Chadderson also landed himself an arrest for molotoving Officer Eric Jonson, later threatened to leave the server while typing slurs in the chat, disconnected outside the jailcell, came back 10 minutes later only to realize he spawned into the holding cell and disconnected again.Capture.PNG
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