Action Request (Tomten)

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Reaction score
Faroe Islands
Your Steam Name: maeen
Your Roleplay Name: Saqib Asaad
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39651776

Player's Community Name: Tomten
Player's Roleplay Name: Ulla Abdullah
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47177772

Why should this player be punished?: These players should be punished for starting a shootout over "7.6 Transport of Offensive Weapons". The shootout was unnecessary, and could of been avoided at all costs.
We just responded to dispatch telling us there was an armed suspect in the city center, and we found Zhou-Ling Liu there.

Zhou-Ling Liu should also not have screamed KOS, as there was absolutely no reason to start killing cops.

Evidence Link:
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Not sure why I'm included in this AR. I drove by and saw someone in my org dead on the floor with another in cuffs screaming KOS. ??????????????????????

Please remove my name immediately.
Me screaming KOS wasn't my brightest moment i must admit, aquaa however shouldn't be on this AR at all. If anything it should be me
At no point did I start the shootout, I saw was my org mate in cuffs. I went to pick him up and YOU decided to run up to the front of my moving vehicle and YOU started shooting at my vehicle. At no point was it my intention to start a shootout. I didn't even fire my gun once.

I cannot take responsibility over Zhou's actions or words.

@Tomten please upload the demofile relevant to the situation and either send it here or in a PM with me. or send it on steam

@Pxrkchop will receive a warning for 3.4 as he escalated his own charge from Transportation/Possession (2years max) to Evasion/Failure to cooperate (5years) not to mention there wasn't a guarantee for arrest.
@Tomten will receive a warning for 3.4 as he attempted to break his friend out/start a shootout without investigating the situation properly.
@Aquaa will not receive any punishment as he saw his org shooting cops as he arrived.
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