Action Request (tyrone)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: KUSHVOS
Your Roleplay Name: Dom Kushenberg
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:581055058

Player's Steam Name: tyrone
Player's Roleplay Name: unknown
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:187325883

Why should this player be punished?: 2.5- tyrone molotoved me inside of regals apt mid raid, i ended up killing everyone and 2 sets off flankers with one being tyrone, he molotoved both sides of regals so i could not leave at all. In the end i ended up bleeding out as i was not able too leave the apt after killing everyone (i ran out off bandages)
3.4- After tyrone molotoved both sides he decided too run through the fire too take a fight with me which ultimately caused me too bleed out.
Tyrone has also been saying in ooc he is going too molotov the shit out of the city or something along those words

clip has corrupted, if someone is able too tell me the demo i can upload it- force demo restart at 4:23am uk time
wont let me post without clip that is why sassy saying wadiyatalkinabeet

Evidence Link:
Please fix your evidence link as it's going for a random video that has nothing to do with your situation.
i put in my clip got corrupt and idk the demo name, if someone can tell me the demo name ill upload it
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