Action Request (Ultimate)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Voyd
Your Roleplay Name: Paul Bennet
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:542591089

Player's Steam Name: Ultimate
Player's Roleplay Name: Charlie Harris
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60175620

Why should this player be punished?: Player took his gun out then just shot me outside my apartment for no reason, he hadnt started raiding or doing nothing.

Evidence Link:

You could report this in-game since Bonnisen was online.


Just before being asked why is he being gunpointed at the stairs, he was defending his property from outside so I was just gonna ask him to get back into his apartment or leave the area after asking him to hands up.

I see that my mic didn't record the "Hands up" (or I left myself on Whisper) but however you are still ignoring a gunpoint, turning aroung and then walking away like nothing happened. Obviously you are chasing a moment to pull your gun out and shoot me.

I would say if someone pull a gun on me and even don't say a word then I would still just comply with the gunpoint and try to find out why am I being targeted.

If that's just about your M4A1 and your friend's USP-45 then I can refund it but I have to say I don't feel anything wrong with it since you are obviously ignoring gun point even on your POV.

But I can't ignore the fact that me feeling quiet/silent during the incident because of the reason probably that I left myself on Whisper or my mic didn't record my sentences looks a bit confusing. Still, I would comply with a gun point. I can't just ignore the person only because he didn't say a word.

EDIT: I spoke with Bonnisen and Curak about the incident (since they were only online staff members) and wanted to get their opinions about the situation. If there is something wrong by my side then I would fix it instead. They're clearly stated that the issue might be here is my voice being not heard either due to microphone didn't take my words or I left myself on whisper. So if there is anything I can do to get the situation sorted at this point, I am more than happy to do it. I asked Voyd to contact me on Steam to speak about the matter and find a middle way but he refused so I can do it from here under the supervision of staff members.


EDIT 2: I got into my demo and got a clip of me trying to give him commands when he's under gunpoint. At this point, I blame Garry's Mod's sensitive microphone input thingy, whatever it is. As can be seen that I am speaking.

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Just before being asked why is he being gunpointed at the stairs, he was defending his property from outside so I was just gonna ask him to get back into his apartment or leave the area after asking him to hands up.
I didnt hear you saying to go in my apartment or leave the area the same with put your hands up.

I have to say, me walking away was stupid and i should not have done that, at the moment i was so confused because you werent saying anything just holding a gun. In my mind I was thinking were you jokingly aiming the gun on me, but at the same time i was thinking were im actually being gun pointed, so i was just confused asf. But, i was not trying to find the best moment to pull my gun out, it may have looked like it tho.
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And ma bad for not adding you, i didnt see the message which said ''voyd add me on steam''

I also asked Bonninsen to delete the AR on forums because it was being dealt within ing.
I feel like confusion happened just because of the voice wasn't transmitted.

You may contact me via Steam if you wish to conclude this out on Steam.

I am more than happy to compensate for anything you lost.
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No one will be warned as this seems like a bit of a scuffed situation.
@Voyd next time don't walk away under gunpoint. No one is gun pointing you to say hello.
@Ultimate Please ensure you try to give a little more time as there is a small delay in voice chat. (Also, from Voyds video, your mic wasn't working)

@A1L @curak
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