Action Request (unknown)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: DemonZ
Your Roleplay Name: Cameron Bleedin (i think)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:528275255

Player's Community Name: @unknown
Player's Roleplay Name: chris bumstead
Player's SteamID: Steam_0:0:0000000 - unknown

Why should this player be punished?: kk so lets start from when i came, i came to road crew as an officer got shot at im pretty sure, he said that someone ran towards the road crew, so i came there, searched for a person, didnt find anyone (prob went different way) so i stopped there and watched these 2 ppl for some seconds, and found this road crew guy NOT doing his job, we told him to impound the car, not to leave it clamped somewhere and just ignore it, he said that he did impound it even tho he didnt, as the owner came, he gave him free unclamp and a free fix, for no reason, not even gun point or anything, he just did it cuz it was his friend, basically job abuse. (He as well lied about him sending the cash, no way for him to actually send him the cash same sec as he pulls out the phone.)

Evidence Link:
Hey DemonZ,

I’m the “owner” of the car you’re speaking of. The car belongs to a friend I just had keys. I had been driving about with Chris for some ten minutes in his car, just out of boredom and to converse with someone. Then upon arriving to road crew, he had impounded this car a bit earlier it had just been sitting in the space for some time. Chris then unclamped the car to which I sent him a fee shortly after, not sure how much it was I think it was 500 though (can double check logs) he did unclamp it before I sent him the money probably as he trusted me to send him it as we had been cutting about for a while together prior to the incident.

I did notice you cut out the part of the video where you’re shouting down your mic about making an action request on Chris? Personally I wasn’t affected by it but generally I wouldn’t recommend behaving in this way as it sheds a negative light on you and could upset another players experience. LOOC is there if you do for some reason feel the need to share with Chris that you intended to make an AR on him. I contacted @SamSN to have a word with you about this but I think you’d left the server by this point.

Hope this helps in coming to a resolution, and apologies for any confusion.
That was true about matt being with me for about 10 minutes ,me and him were just driving around and talking soon as i saw the report come in for the car i when and pick it up right away i processed to wait abit before i did impound the car to save the guy that own the car abit of money instead of making the impound right away but matt had the keys to him so instead of making him pay the full 600$ to get the car out i gave him a good deal for 500$ so it would save abit of money for the person and i would do the same for anyone else that was in the same situation of that, also i would like to point out you did decide to go out of your way in game to process to tell me you were going to make this ar on me and you cut that part out of your video for some reason. this should had been where you call a admin though f6 if this situation upset you this much you don't out of your way to tell me, that why they have this menu to use. Thanks for hearing my side.

When you are specifically told by a police officer to impound a vehicle it is a lawful order and you must do so as a roadcrew worker. I understand that it is less expensive to just remove the boot for a fee but you are still technically breaking the law and therefore breaking rule 4.1. Since this is quite a minor rule break and your intents weren't malicious @BombDJuice can regard this as an "unofficial" warning. Please follow the law as a roadcrew worker in the future.
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