Action Request (Unknown.)

Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Locksmith
Your Roleplay Name: Jack Locks
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:183399913

Player's Steam Name: THE GRINCH & $NICKELL5$
Player's Roleplay Name: Zeke Nickell, Jacen Nickell
Player's SteamID: Unknown

Why should this player be punished?: Individual had failed to comply under gunpoint for a long period of time, stalling and refusing orders to step out of his vehicle and put his hands up, this resulted in the individual inside of Regals 4 to have enough time to shoot at myself who was attempting to detain him(The shooting itself is fine rule wise, as I had responded to a stabbing situation in which it carries a high enough sentence for them to attempt to KOS cops in order to prevent their arrest) after he had attempted to drive away and got placed in cuffs and designated for another officer to watch over him, I had made my way up to Regals 4, gunpointed and detained the individual inside, when attempting to take the firearm out of the storage box, he continuously failed to do so even after being explained in LOOC and desc what was occuring and stubbornly stated that he had not stored the firearm, this individual had also broke character whilst in this situation, stating that he was "Calling for an admin" they had stalled for long enough that sadly, the server had crashed and I was unable to resolve the situation due to that.

To assist those that investigate this, the individual that had shot at and struck a "Walle Crippleson" as such you would be able to pull logs of who had caused them to bleed during this situation.

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