Action Request (Xeronise)

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your Steam Name: Clarky
Your Roleplay Name: Chenglei Ming
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44595797

Player's Steam Name: Xeronise
Player's Roleplay Name: Amy Hustle (I think)
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:52192104

Why should this player be punished?: Xeronise stole and drove my car into the forest in order to get it wrecked by the ongoing gungame he was aware of, breaking 2.5. A staff member suggested I created an AR to get his response, logs have proven that it was him.

Evidence Link:
Already been fixed by admin, why'd you deliberately do that
Wasn't even intentional, some guy jumped out from the side and I crashed into him. I forgot about the gungame since I didn't hear any gunshots at that point, we realized shortly after and ran away. This is some of the pettiest shit ive seen I didnt even tier the car.

No gun sounds, no chance to swerve without crashing into a tree. You are sad.
Wasn't even intentional, some guy jumped out from the side and I crashed into him. I forgot about the gungame since I didn't hear any gunshots at that point, we realized shortly after and ran away. This is some of the pettiest shit ive seen I didnt even tier the car.

No gun sounds, no chance to swerve without crashing into a tree. You are sad.
The fact you have to resort to insults really shows. You quite obviously knew a gun game was ongoing, you even insulted Efan when you didn't get in the event.
[OOC] Xeronise: efan ur a bit of a nob
The fact you have to resort to insults really shows. You quite obviously knew a gun game was ongoing, you even insulted Efan when you didn't get in the event.
[OOC] Xeronise: efan ur a bit of a nob
it clearly wasnt intentional look at the video, and i forgot about the gungame since you know.. i wasnt in it..

Based on the footage it seems to us that it wasn't even an intentional wrecking of the vehicle, notwithstanding whether the nearby event had an intrinsic impact on the situation or not. Your vehicle was repaired and we think it's reasonable to leave it there.

Reviewed with @Collier
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